Full text: The role of digital components in photogrammetric instrumentations

[ 1 ] Dorrer, E. 
Kurz, B. 
[ 2 ] Dorrer, E. 
[ 3 ] Lancton, A.H. 
[ 4 ] Makarovib, B. 
[ 5 ] Hofman, O.' 
[ 6 ] Helava, U. V. 
Whiteside, A. E. 
Matherly, C.W. 
[ 7 ] Jak§i6, Z. 
[ 8 ] Inghiller, G. 
[ 9 ] MakaroviS, B. 
[ 10 ] MakaroviS, B. 
[ 11 ] MakaroviS, B. 
( 12 ] MakaroviC, B. 
[ 13 ] MakaroviS, B. 
"Stereoplotter Interfaced with Programmable 
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Pres, paper Comm. II; 
"From Analogue to Hybrid Stereoplotter", ASP- 
ACSM Convention, Washington 1973; 
"Hybrid Stereoplotter", Phot. Eng. , Vol. XXXVI, 
1970, No. 3, p. 280 - 289; 
"Hybrid Stereorestitution Systems", Phot. Eng. 
Oct. 1970, p. 1086 - 1092; 
"A New Photogrammetric Plotting System", I.S.P. 
Congress, Ottawa, 1972, Pres, paper Comm. II; 
"New Automatic Analytical Stereoplotter", Bendix 
Techn. Journal, Summer 1968; 
"Some Aspects of the NCR Analytical Plotter’s 
Hardware and Software", Proceedings "Man-Machine 
Interface in Photogrammetry", U. N. B. , Frederic 
ton, August 1972; 
"A New Analytical Plotter: The Digital Stereocarto- 
graphD.S. ", ISP Congress, Ottawa, 1972, Pres, 
"Information Transfer in Reconstruction of Data 
from Sampled Points", Phia, 1972, No. 4, p. Ill - 
"Progressive Sampling for Digital Terrain Models", 
ITC Journal, No. 3, 1973, p. 397 - 416; 
"Semi-Automatic Mapping Techniques", Phot. Eng. 
May, 1971, p. 475 - 480; 
"Electronic Off-line Orthophoto Printer", ITC 
Journal, No. 4, 1973, p. 601 - 617; 
"Digital Mono-Plotters", ITC Journal, No. 4, 1973, 
p. 583 - 600;

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