Full text: The role of digital components in photogrammetric instrumentations

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d, scaling of outputs in 2 or 8 units, 
e. interior orientation operations. 
As compared to the house keeping operations in the program 
the n athematical expres s i ori s in the real time program seem 
rather trivial. 
1) The interior orientation is a simple mean of the fiducial 
image coordinates which were slewed to automatically by 
approximate location , which were set by the incremental 
knob in x’ and y* and recorded in memory. 
2) The real time computations utilize the standard 
collinearity equations with corrections or offsets 
entered by correction routines or during interior 
3) The photo corrections computed in exits 2 and 4 make use 
of a 
a. 4^ degree polynomial correction for lens distortion . 
The coefficients are entered with the initializer. 
b. An affine film shrinkage may also be considered as 
given by the input. 
c. Following the photo correction routine also the 
coordinates for each relative orientation point 
location are calculated in the status B routine in 
case relative orientation compute has been pressed once 
before and a relative orientation step in chosen. 
4) The model corrections pertain to atmospheric refraction and 
earth curvature. 
a. They are only calculated if the model scale is smaller 
than 1 : 5000, 
b. the correction is only applied to the model height. 
While the assembler coded main program routines are

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