together with any desired combination of the output recording
Th*' use of the system in conjunction with different photo
grammetrie instruments impose certain requirements on its most
important component, namely, the encoder*
Photogrammetrie work on precision stereocomparators needs
a discrete value of conversion equal to 1-2 umj for stereocoiu-
parators belonging to the 2 nd class of accuracy and mechanical
universal photogrammetrie instruments, this value amounts to
4-5 nm, and for devices picking-up data from maps, to 10 urn*
A higher resolution requirement is in direct connection with
the accuracy of conversion of an analog value tc digital code.
At present, photogrammetrie instruments developed in the So
viet Union use two types of encoders: linear displacement-code
and angular rotation-code. The encoders of the first type give
more accuracy, since physical principles they rely on allow
for direct conversion of a linear displacement into a code. The
encouers of the second type are coupled with load screws of
photogrammetrie instruments. The intermediate transformation
of a linear quantity into an angular one affects measurement
results, since surplus errors, both systematic and random, are
introduced. However, with accurately made lead sccews, suen
features of the angle-code encoder as simple'and reliable de
sign allow for its use even in precision stereocomparatcrs.
A diffraction type linear displacement encoder used in
stereocomparator CKB-1 is an example of a lineur-to-coae encod
er applicable to px^ecision photograrmetrie instruments.
A distinctive feature of this encoder, as compared with
a well known diffraction type Fexxranti encoder, is the use of
two gratings, transparent and reflecting one. This ensures
better characteristics of the encoder and provides for its
higher performance. For instance, with the value of a moire
fringe equal to 4 urn and a gap between tne gratings - of 20 mm,
the fringe contrast amounts to 0.7* In addition, the encoder
is not affected by the size of the luminous element and adjust
ment. errors. An optical schematic of the encoder of stereocom
parator is shown in Fig. 1. Reflecting difraction grating 1