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At this point has began the study about the methods of
presentation and investigation of the 3D model, that could be
sectioned with specifics tools to produce horizontal and vertical
sections complete of orthoimages and 3D edges; otherwise it
can be used as a support in the realization of a GIS or to realize
a promotional multimedia CD.
An important role is assumed by new format code called
VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language), that has been
selected as the internet format to describe 3D environments. It
is supported by most browsers and there are a few public
demain plug-ins. VRML allows to study the 3D model in a way
really interactive trough a simple instrument. Moreover, several
tools, developed in java language, have alscf been implemented
in order to demonstrate the high potential of the 3D models.
These tools allow for example the meausurement of distance
between points or simplify the 3D navigation by taking the user
smoothly along a predefinied walkthrough.
How can be seen in the previous page chart, some important
results have been obtained from laser scanning survey using
Surveyor software. This tool allows to section 3D model and to
export edges, orthoimages and section profiles. These
informations can be imported in a CAD software to edit
architectural plates.
3D studio software, where all the survey is stored, allows to
make some interactive products like video and VRML that
assume an important role for educational and promotional
This work wants to represent an example as a method of
approach to the survey of a historical architecture, for which is
generally very difficult find an only one investigation tool.
Instead, is more effective search for the correct compromise that
integrates techniques even very different each other, but
however easy to be effectively integrated in a result that covers
an ample range of applications and that could be a support for
technical staff, studious or simple tourists.
This work is interesting also because this place, during the XIX
century, has been used as a barracks from the napoleonic army
that has ransacked it and partially defaced: because of these
events many decorations, particularly some capitals, has been
removed. An interesting application of this survey will be the
reconstruction of a comprehensive vision of the sacristy thanks
to the introduction, in the virtual 3D model, the missed elements
reconstructed on the base of those preserved.
Special thanks to firm 3Dveritas for its collaboration, in
particular about the software support.
A right thanks must be given to the director of the State
archives in Mantova and to firm COPRAT for their competent
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