and shutter speed settings were adjusted to obtain optimal target
exposure. Twenty-eight targets affixed to three steel beams
acted as stable reference points for datum definition. These
were bolted to a scaffold structure that was erected independent
of the bridge.
4.4 Photogrammetric Deformation Analysis
Image point measurement was made using Australis (Fraser and
Edmundson, 2000) and free network bundle adjustments were
performed using the FEMBUN software (Lichti and Chapman,
1997). Points on the steel beams were used to define the datum.
Pre-calibrated interior orientation parameters (principal
distance, principal point, radial lens distortion and decentring
distortion coefficients) were applied as constants. Object point
precision in the height or Z dimension—the most pertinent for
subsequent structural analysis—was approximately ±0.4 mm for
the non-datum points. The 2-minute data acquisition time
constraint precluded a realisation of greater precision by
capturing more images.
Since all epochs of imagery possessed the same datum
definition, deformation analysis was a matter of subtracting
loaded co-ordinates from no-load co-ordinates. Figure 6 shows
the result of one such comparison. The vectors indicate
deflection of the four longitudinal stringers (3-1, 3-2, 3-3 and 3-
4) in response to a load of 60.65 t placed at mid-span. As
expected, the maximum deflection (-8.06 mm) occurred at mid
span, and defection decreased near the ends where the stringer
was supported.
4.5 Scanner Deformation Analysis
Stringer 3-4 was also scanned with the I-SiTE to further
ascertain the sensitivity of the scanner for deformation
measurement. The scanner remained static throughout the
testing. Due to the 2-minute data acquisition window, only a
single scan could be captured at each load increment. In light of
the results in Section 3 and the small deformations on Stringer
3-4 (-3.3 to -5.2 mm) under the 60.65 t load, expectations about
the ability to accurately recover the deflections were low.
The analysis procedure applied for the cylinder testing was
utilised for the stringers. Scan clouds were edited to remove
spurious returns and then -modelled with the “triangulated
surface with second-order least squares trending” (Maptek,
2002). Stringer cross-sections were extracted at the locations of
the photogrammetric targets to facilitate direct comparison of
displacements. Deflections were estimated from the vertical
displacement between the no-load and loaded cross-sections at
both the top and bottom of each section.
Numerical deflection estimates at eight photogrammetric target
locations on stringer 3-4 are presented in Table 3. The scanner
displacements measured from the bottom are clearly biased with
an RMS error of ±9.1 mm. Displacements measured from the
top of the cross-sections are much more encouraging, with an
RMS error of ±4.9 mm. In this case, the errors are nearly
Error sources in the displacements include the scanner
measurement noise, surface model interpolation error and the
shape distortion highlighted in Subsection 3.2. The latter is
believed to be dominant error source, particularly at the bottom
of the stringers where the shape distortion was clearly evident.
Rectification of this distortion is the subject of ongoing
The issues of laser scanner calibration and benchmark testing
are important for both heritage recording and metrology
applications in order to assure data quality. A series of rigorous
tests have been conducted in a lab environment and under real
conditions in order to quantify scanner performance. In terms
of precision, lab testing indicated that the scanner performed
better than manufacturer’s claims, but a bias in standard
accuracy range observations was identified.
Further lab testing indicated that, with scan averaging,
deflections greater than 8 mm could be recovered with an RMS
accuracy of better than ±1 mm. Shape distortion, possibly due to
laser wavefront non-uniformity, was found and is likely the
dominant error source precluding more accurate deformation
estimation. Additionally, more investigation is required into the
exact nature of the surface fitting routines that were utilised.
Beam deflections estimated via the laser scanner measurements
were biased, but errors were dependent upon the surface used
for comparison. Differences between the photogrammetric and
the top surface scanner measurements were nearly constant,
whereas those from the bottom were not. The previously
identified shape distortion as a function of incidence angle is
suspected to be the dominant error source and investigations to
quantify it are underway.
The authors thank Dr Ian Chandler for his lending his expertise
in structural engineering and Terry Whiteman for his assistance
with some of the fieldwork.
Photogrammetric AZ
Laser Scanner AZ
from bottom (mm)
Laser Scanner AZ
from top (mm)
Table 3. Stringer Deflections Measured by Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning.