Scanning instruments, recording hundreds or even
thousands of 3D points per second, have added a new
perspective to metric surveying. Besides topographic
laser scanners operating from airplanes, various instru
ments are available for close range applications.
Although all of those instruments produce 3D coordinates
in real time, they rely on different principles. Ranging
instruments can be explained as high speed surveying
instruments whereas triangulation type instruments,
including one or two digital cameras, could be regarded
as photogrammetric devices. From a user’s point of view,
a discussion whether scanners belong to geodesy or
photogrammetry is of no relevance, however.
So far, scanners were widely used for the as-built-docu-
mentation in industry. The rapid measurement of huge
numbers of 3D points on object surfaces is also very
suitable for the documentation of cultural heritage
objects, such as buildings, ruins, sculptures and artifacts.
The CIPA Symposium in September 2001 at Potsdam,
Germany, showed that scanner producers are interested to
enter this market and some users have already gained
first experiences with this new metric recording
technique. Preservation authorities in several countries
have asked for guidelines concerning the use of scanning
techno-logy, especially in comparison with close range
This was the motivation for CIPA Working Group 6,
"Surveying Methods for Heritage Recorders", to offer
this two day workshop "Scanning for Cultural Heritage
Recording - Complementing or Replacing Photogram
metry" immediately prior to the ISPRS Commission V
Symposium at Corfu, Greece. The great response from
authors and participants confirms the acute interest in this
subject. The papers in this volume prove that in many
cases both, scanning and photogrammetry can be used
advantageously within one documentation project. Which
method should be used to what extent under given pre
requisites cannot be answered definitely yet. May the
presentations and the discussions of this workshop lead to
a clearer view of this question, thus serving the
documentation of our cultural heritage.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Petros
Patias, President of ISPRS Commission V, from the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and his
team who took over all the organizing tasks for this
workshop from the announcement in the WEB to the
printing of the proceedings. This made it easy for myself
and my assistant, Mirko Siebold, to organize the scientific
program and to edit this volume at the Institute for Spatial
Information and Surveying Technology (i3mainz) at FH
Mainz, University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
I sincerely hope that all participants will appreciate the
program, have the opportunity to meet old and new
friends and find some time to enjoy beautiful Corfu
Welcome to the Workshop!
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Boehler
Chairman CIPA WG 6