- 62 -
elements and for generating points in occluded or symmetrical
parts is to do the work in the 3D space to find the new points
then project them on the images using the known camera
parameters. The main steps are shown in figure 3. We will now
give some details on the use of seed points.
A cylinder is constructed after its direction, radius, and position
have been automatically determined from four seed points
(figure 4-a) using quadric formulation [Zwillinger, 1996]. The
ratio between the upper and the lower circle can be set in
advance. It is set to less than 1.0 (about 0.85) to create a tapered
column. From this information, points on the top and bottom
circle of the column (figure 4-b) can be automatically generated
in 3D resulting in a complete model.
Figure 4. (a) Four seed points are extracted on the base
and crown, (b) column points are added automatically.
model, texture maps obtained from high-resolution color digital
camera is necessary. Some scanners have a color camera
attached to the scanner at a known configuration so that the
acquired texture is always registered with the geometry.
However, this approach may not provide the best results since
the ideal conditions for taking the images may not coincide with
those for scanning. Therefore, our approach allows taking the
images at different time from scanning and at whatever
locations that will be best for texture. Details of the texturing
procedure are described in another paper [Beraldin et al, 2002].
4.3 Combining Image- and Range-Based Modeling
First the model of the whole structure, except for the fine details
and sculpted surfaces, is modeled using the image-based
approach (section 4.1). The sections that require scanning will
be modeled separately using the approach described in section
4.2. Common points between the image-based model and the
range-based models are used to register them in the same
coordinate system. This is done interactively with our own
software that can display and interact with images from various
types of sensors and cameras. The next step is to automatically
sample points from the range-based model along its perimeter
and insert those into the image-based model. The triangulated
mesh of the image-based model will be adjusted based on those
new points so that when the range-based model is added into
that region there will be no overlapping triangles. This will be
shown in the case study in section 5.
4.4 Landscape Visualization
For windows and doors we need three (preferably four) comer
points and one point on the main surface (figure 3). By fitting a
plane to the comer points, and a plane parallel to it at the
surface point, the complete window or door is reconstructed.
For details on other elements, see [El-Hakim, 2002].
4.2 Range-Based Modeling
The procedure for creating a triangular-mesh model from 3D
images is summarized in figure 5. If the 3D data is presented as
a set of registered images it is trivial to create a triangular mesh
by simply triangulating each image. However, since there is
often considerable overlap between the images from different
views, a mesh created in this fashion will have many redundant
faces. It is desirable to create a non-redundant mesh, in which
there are no overlapping faces. The adopted technique has been
developed over the years at our laboratory and Innovmetric
Software Inc. [Soucy and Laurendeau, 1995] and has been
implemented in Polyworks™ [Innovmetric, 2002].
Sensor Placement
Fill Gaps
> Scanning
Digital Images
Texture Mapping < 1
Figure 5: General procedure for range-based modeling
Most laser scanners focus only on acquiring the geometry. They
usually provide only a monochrome intensity values for each
pixel as sensed by the laser. To acquire realistic look for the
When images of the whole scene taken at large distances such
as aerial images are available, panoramic images of the
landscape can be created and integrated with the model of the
structures. This shows the structures in their natural setting and
increases the level of realism. A few joint points between the
structures and the grounds are measured in 3D to be used to
register the panorama with the structures. The procedure is
similar to [Sequeira et al, 2001].
The abbey of Pomposa near Ferrara, one of the most appealing
Italian churches of the Romanesque period, is a complex made
of several buildings that are part of one of the most important
Benedectine monasteries. Founded in the seventh century, the
Refectory, the Basilica, the Capitolary Hall and the Cloister
form the core of the abbey. The bells tower was added in the
eleventh century. The abbey is architecturally simple with
planar stone surfaces. The façade is ornamented with several
relief works of art carved in marble. There are also three arches
decorated with brick and stonework.
Details like the left wheel “rosone”, the peacock carvings on the
left side, and one end column (figure 6) were scanned with the
Bids 3D sensor [Beraldin et al, 1999]. The whole complex was
imaged with an Olympus 4 mega-pixel digital camera. Figure 7
shows the model of the front of the church with the main
structural elements. Figure 8 shows a close up of the general
model with added 8 new points from the trim of the wheel and
the re-triangulated mesh. The hole shown in the model is where
the model of the scanned wheel will fit. Figure 9 shows the
detailed solid model, without texture, of the wheel and the
peacock after being added to the main model. A close up on
part of the middle of the wheel showing a detailed wire frame is
given in figure 10. The textured model of the same section is