Full text: Proceedings of the CIPA WG 6 International Workshop on Scanning for Cultural Heritage Recording

mine which points are inside and which outside the hexagon, 
and there can be hundreds of thousands of octree nodes that 
need to be processed. It is much simpler (and therefore faster) 
to compare the bounding box of the eight points. Figure6 shows 
a projected octree node and the corresponding bounding box. 
x min X max 
I I 
(a) (b) 
Figure 6. Projection of a node (a) and its bounding box (b) 
The bounding box is tested for intersection with the object's 
silhouette in the current input (binary) image. All image pixels 
within the bounding box are checked for their color, whether 
they are black or white. The output of the intersection testing 
procedure is percentage of the black pixels of the bounding box, 
i.e., the percentage of pixels belonging to the object. If this 
percentage is equal or higher than a user definable threshold for 
black nodes, the node is marked as black. If the percentage is 
smaller than or equal with a user definable threshold for white 
nodes, the node is marked as white. Otherwise, the node is 
marked as gray and it is divided into eight child nodes repre 
senting eight sub-cubes of finer resolution. 
The calculated image coordinates of the cube's vertices can lie 
between two image pixels, and a pixel is the smallest testable 
unit for intersection testing. Which pixels are considered to be 
"within" the bounding box? Figure 7 illustrates our answer to 
this question. We decided to test only pixels that lie completely 
within the bounding box (Figure 7a), because that way the num 
ber of pixels that need to be tested is smaller than testing all 
pixels that are at least partly covered by the bounding box The 
pixels at the border of the bounding box are excluded, because 
most of them do not lie within the hexagon approximated by the 
bounding box. In the special case if there are no pixels that lie 
completely within the bounding box (Figure 7b) the pixel 
closest to the center of the bounding box is checked for the 
| pixel borders 
bounding box of 
projected node 
area tested for 
(a) at least o 
re pixel completely 
within bounding box 
(b) no pixels completely 
within bounding box 
Figure 7: Selection of pixels for the intersection test 
The octree representation has several advantages [3]: for a 
typical solid object it is an efficient representation, because of a 
large degree of coherence between neighboring volume ele 
ments (voxels), which means that a large piece of an object can 
be represented by a single octree node. Another advantage is the 
ease of performing geometrical transformations on a node, 
because they only need to be performed on the node's vertices. 
The disadvantage of octree models is that they digitize the 
space by representing it through cubes whose resolution depend 
on the maximal octree depth and therefore cannot have smooth 
An input image for Shape from Silhouette defines a conic 
volume in space which contains the object to be modeled 
(Figure 8a). Another input image taken from a different view 
defines another conic volume containing the object (Figure 8b). 
Intersection of the two conic volumes narrows down the space 
the object can possibly occupy (Figure 8c). With an increasing 
number of views the intersection of all conic volumes approxi 
mates the actual volume occupied by the object better and 
better, converging to the 3D visual hull of the object. Therefore 
by its nature Shape from Silhouette defines a volumetric model 
of an object. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Figure 8. Two conic volumes and their intersection 
An input image for Shape from Structured Light using laser 
light defines solely the points on the surface of the object which 
intersect the laser plane (Figure 9a). Using multiple views 
provides us with a cloud of points belonging to the object 
surface (Figure 9b), i.e. with the surface model of the object. 
(a) (b) 
Figure 9. Laser projection and cloud of points 
The main problem that needs to be addressed in an attempt to 
combine these two methods is how to adapt the two represen 
tations to one another, i.e. how to build a common 3D model 
representation. This can be done in several ways: 
• Build the Shape from Silhouette's volumetric model and 
the Shape from Structured Light's surface model indepen 
dently from one another. Then, either convert the volu 
metric model to a surface model and use the intersection of 
the two surface models as the final representation or con 
vert the surface model to a volumetric model and use the 
intersection of the two volumetric models as the final 
• Use a common 3D model representation from the ground 
up, avoiding any model conversions. That means either 
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