Full text: Proceedings of the CIPA WG 6 International Workshop on Scanning for Cultural Heritage Recording

design a volume based Shape from Structured Light algo 
rithm or a surface based Shape from Silhouette algorithm. 
With the former method both underlying algorithms would 
build their "native" model of the object. However, conversion 
and intersection of the models would not be a simple task. 
While conversion of the Shape from Silhouette's volumetric 
model to a surface model is straightforward — one only has to 
find 3D points of the volume belonging to the surface — an 
intersection of two surface models can be rather complex. One 
could start from the points obtained by Shape from Structured 
Light (because they really lie on the object's surface, whereas 
points on the surface of the volume obtained by Shape from 
Silhouette only lie somewhere on the object's visual hull) and 
fill up the missing surface points with points from the Shape 
from Silhouette model. 
There are several problems with this approach. There could be 
many "jumps" on the object surface, because the points taken 
from the Shape from Silhouette model might be relatively far 
away from the actual surface. The approach would also not be 
very efficient, because we would need to build a complete 
volumetric model through Shape from Silhouette, then intersect 
it with every laser plane used for Shape from Structured Light 
in order to create a surface model, and then, if we also want to 
compute the volume of the object, we would have to convert the 
final surface model back to the volumetric model. 
Another possibility would be converting the surface model 
obtained by Shape from Structured Light to a volumetric model 
and intersect it with the Shape from Silhouette's model. In this 
case the intersection is the easier part - for each voxel of the 
space observed one would only have to look up whether both 
models "agree" that the voxel belongs to the object - only such 
voxels would be kept in the final model and all others defined 
as background. Also the volume computation is simple in this 
case - it is a multiplication of the number of voxels in the final 
model with the volume of a single voxel. But the problem with 
this approach is the conversion of the Shape from Structured 
Light's surface model to a volumetric model - in most cases, the 
surface model obtained using laser plane is very incomplete 
(see the model of an amphora in Figure 9(b) because of the light 
and camera occlusions (Figure 10), so one would have to decide 
how to handle the missing parts of the surface. 
And generally, the conversion of a surface model to a volu 
metric model is a complex task, because if the surface is not 
completely closed, it is hard to say whether a certain voxel lies 
inside or outside the object. With closed surfaces one could 
follow a line in 3D space starting from the voxel observed and 
going in any direction and count how many times the line 
intersects the surface. For an odd number of intersections one 
can say that the voxel belongs to the object. But even in this 
case there would be many special cases to handle, e.g. when the 
chosen line is tangential to the object's surface. 
This reasoning lead us to the following conclusions: 
• Building a separate Shape from Structured Light surface 
model and a Shape from Silhouette volumetric model 
followed by converting one model to the other and inter 
secting them is mathematically complex and compu 
tationally costly. 
• If we want to estimate the volume of an object using our 
model, any intermediate surface models should be avoided 
because of the problems of conversion to a volumetric 
When building a 3D volumetric model of an object based on a 
number of its 2D images, there are two possibilities regarding 
the decision whether a certain voxel is a part of the object or 
belongs to the background. Therefore, our approach proposes 
building a single volumetric model from the ground up, using 
both underlying methods in each step (illustrated in Figure 11): 
1. Binarize the acquired images for both Shape from 
Silhouette and Shape from Structured Light in such a way 
that the white image pixels possibly belong to the object 
and the black pixels for sure belong to the background. 
This is shown in Figure 1 la. 
2. Build the initial octree, containing one single root node 
marked "black". (Figure 1 lb). This node is said to be at the 
level 0. Set the current level to 0. 
3. All black nodes of the current level are assumed to 
be in a linked list. Set the current node to the first 
node in the list. If there are no nodes in the current 
level, the final model has been build so jump to Step 8. 
Otherwise, continue with Step 4. 
4. Project the current node current level into all 
Shape from Silhouette binarized input images and intersect 
it with the image silhouettes of the object (by simply 
counting the percentage of white pixels within the projec 
tion of the node). As the result of the intersection the node 
can remain "black" (if it lies within the object) or be set to 
"white" (it lies outside the object) or "grey" (it lies partly 
within and partly outside the object). This is illustrated in 
Figure 11c. If at least one image says "this node is white", 
it is set to white. Otherwise, if at least one image says "this 
node is grey", it is set to grey and only if all images agree 
that the node is black, it stays black. 
5. If the current node after Step 4 is not white, it is 
projected into two binarized Shape from Structured Light 
images representing two nearest laser planes to the node - 
one plane is the nearest among the images acquired with 
the turntable's rotation angle between 0° and 180° and the 
other the nearest among images taken with the angle 
between 180° and 360°. The separation into 2 intervals is 
done because if we use a single nearest plane, it could 
happen that the projection of the node lies completely in 
the occluded part of the image. Two nearest planes defined 
this way are almost identical, because they both contain the 
rotational axis of the turntable (because of the way we set 
the laser plane, see Figure 2, so if the nearest plane in the 
range 0° - 180° was with the angle a, then the nearest 
plane in the range 180° - 360° will be with the angle a +

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