Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

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1 Kohsiek et al. (1993)) 
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from Monsoon’90 and 
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sized the importance of 
step is to exploit the 
and interstorm models 
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:sponding maps of air 
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and Pielke, 1989) with 
based spectral images, 
opographically diverse 
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eady for application to 
logic processes, 
imental data sets, have 
semiarid rangelands. 
., but also in providing 
climates, biomes, and 
1 for a future study to 
gional-scale processes, 
and WG’92 results to 
igraphy on hydrologic 
regions of the world, 
enhanced precipitation, 
as. Nonetheless, many 
te effects of local and 
itively flat terrain. In 
aroposed for execution 
iraphy on hydrological 
ughly 12,000 km 2 in 
:o 2800 m in the upper 
ea. The major biome 
ah Chaparral, Pinyon- 
Juniper, and Coniferous Forest; all of which are traversed in a horizontal distance as short as 20 km. The 
topographically-induced gradients in biome types and the associated spatial variations in fluxes of moisture, 
energy and carbon in the Upper San Pedro basin provide a unique opportunity for investigating bio-hydro- 
atmospheric interactions in a relatively compact area. The site also offers the opportunity to investigate 
anthropogenic impacts on the water and energy balance due to significant cross-border surface characteristics 
resulting from widely disparate land use in Mexico and the United States (Bryant et al., 1990). 
4.1. SALSA-MEX Objectives. 
An experiment such as SALSA-MEX would provide the opportunity to determine the symbiotic links between 
remote sensing and modeling that will advance the application of both at the regional scale. The site of SALSA- 
MEX is most conducive to this research due to the generally clear sky conditions, the monsoon storm patterns 
(in time and space), and the distinct, elevation-related vegetation communities. The following initial experimental 
research objectives are proposed for SALSA-MEX. Observation over a range of scale and subsequent analysis 
of scaling relationships is implied in all of the objectives: 
1. Quantify hydrologic fluxes and identify the dominant hydrologic processes as a function of time-space scales 
in regions with high topographic relief with particular emphasis on surface-ground water interactions in the 
San Pedro riparian area and the role of near surface soil moisture in infiltration and runoff generation. 
2. Evaluate evapotranspiration and its relationship to the water balance in topographically rough terrain over a 
range of canopy-soil-understory conditions represented by the biome types in the San Pedro. 
3. Assess the utility of remotely sensed data for regional land surface characterization and for incorporation into 
hydrologic and energy balance models utilized for Obj. 1 and 2. 
4. Test the ability of mesoscale models to realistically simulate a broad range of land-atmosphere interactions 
in heterogeneous domain with significant topographic relief. 
5. Determine the spatial and temporal patterns of carbon uptake and release by the vegetation-soil continuum. 
In addition to seasonal trends, the effects of water availability, particularly those resulting from precipitation 
events, on these fluxes will be evaluated. 
SALSA-MEX is presented here as a conceptualization for an interdisciplinary, regional-scale, semiarid 
mountain experiment. Greater detail and elaboration of the project will be forthcoming if sufficient interest is 
expressed by the scientific community. 
The Monsoon’90 and WG’92 Experiments (and potentially SALSA-MEX) have provided the opportunity to make 
substantial progress on the five components of the modeling strategy presented in Figure 1. The goal is still the 
synthesis of these interdisciplinary results toward an integrated storm/interstonn hydrologic model. Such a 
model, combined with the distributed, surface information provided by remotely-sensed data, will lead to a better 
understanding of the processes that cause changes in regional hydrologic storages and fluxes. In this way, we 
may better assess the role of the hydrologic cycle in a global context and predict the effects of natural or 
anthropogenic changes on the climate. As we advance toward this goal, results from well-planned, regional-scale 
experiments will not only provide more information about the surface-atmosphere system, but may well suggest 
changes in the strategy itself. One of the goals of the future study described here could well be to evaluate and 
modify the approach presented in Figure 1. 
The NASA Eos proposal from which Figure 1 was extracted was a joint research effort of French (LERTS, 
HRL) research agencies and universities. Though Monsoon’90 was primarily organized by ARS Hydrology Lab. 
and ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center, the participation of many agencies and institutions greatly 
broadened the scope of the study. They include: Utah State Univ., USGS-Water Resources Division (Denver 
and Carson City), ARS U.S. Water Conservation Lab., ARS Remote Sensing Research Lab., ARS Subtropical 
Agricultural Research Lab., Los Alamos National Lab., Jet Propulsion Lab., LERTS-France, CEMAGREF- 
ENGREF-France, IRE-Russia, University of Arizona (Dept, of Hydrology and Water Resources, Soil and Water 

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