cycle; the Tr a in the LATE plots was
low until the late irrigation; and in the
DRY plots it remained lower than all
others throughout the harvest cycle.
Considering Eq. 8, it is apparent
that this approach for estimation of Tr a
accounts for both differences in
vegetation density and stress response
of the plants. As such, it is informative
to look at both biomass and CWSI in
relation to estimates of Tr,. For
example, Fig.3 shows a pair of data
from WET and EARLY treatments,
both of which have similar biomass
values. The transpiration of the WET
plot was lower than that of the EARLY
plot for the first half of the growth cycle
and higher during the second half
(Fig.3a); yet the biomass measurements
taken in the two plots over the growth
cycle were nearly identical (Fig.3b).
The differences in Tr between the two
plots were due to corresponding
differences in CWSI (Fig.3c).
4.1.2 Three Continuous Harvest
Periods Three lysimeters were
subjected to EARLY treatment during
the penod from DOY40-90 (a), from
DOY91-130 (b), and from DOY131-
154 (c), respectively, during three
harvest periods from DOY40 to 151.
The other two lysimeters were treated
as WET plots in each growth cycle.
Results here are based on the spectral
and meteorological measurements
centered on 10:30 each day. The value
of a in Eq.8 was assumed to be 1.5,
based on the analysis in section 4.1.1.
The r a value was computed with the
simple formula (Thom and Oliver
1977), accounting for variations in
plant height and windspeed. Based on
this value of a and the CWSI
computed using Eq.9, Tr values were
calculated for the WET, EARLY,
LATE, and DRY plots, and each
lysimeter plot (a, b, and c) regardless
of treatment.
The values of Tr a for the three
lysimeter plots correspond as expected
with the ET a values measured by
lysimeters in each plot (Fig.4). That
is, Tr a was substantially lower than ET a
when vegetation density was low (after
harvest), and Tr a was nearly equal to
ET a for full-cover canopy.
Day of year 1985
Fig. 1 Comparison of estimated Tr a and measured ET a for
the EARLY and WET alfalfa treatment plots. Symbols ▼
with plots' initials indicate the dates of irrigation in each plot.
Fig.2 Comparison of estimated Tr a values for the two
replicates of WET, EARLY, LATE and DRY alfalfa treatment
plots. Symbols ▼ with plots' initials indicate the dates of
irrigation in each plot.