roperties of vegetation
>and XS3 is best suited
raber (1993)) assumes
e. These particles are
two components: the
ochastic nature of the
cle hits the ground, a
ned to be identical to
’ the same process of
e random walk model
■o accelerations slower
xactly. Secondly, the
ter depletion of a dust
Highway close to the
ition being 40 x 40 m J .
rrain is relatively fiat,
d dispersion modeling
rements was obtained
e model domain. The
tic winds of a nearby
avitational settling, a
oriented towards the
t 5 different distances
counted by means of
esults show that the
>out 7 pm.
etermined during the
tion will be shown in
') sensors, HRV1 and
sensitive in the three
ed, 0.79 - 0.89pm).
51 - 0.73 pm). The
iunta to 20 m for the
sufficiently well with
: acquired only upon
liable. Indeed, there
d for our purposes is
the local time zone),
i Alaska Pipeline are
ed as rivers or lakes,
r lit
, (: i
j 5 S
Figure 1: Geographic location of the Toolik Lake area. SPOT scene, sensed in the HRV bands XS1 (0.50 -
0.59 pm) and XS3 (0.79 - 0.89 pm)
3.2 Method for deriving the dust load from the sensor signal
This method allows to convert the raw multispectral image data of the HRV instrument to an array of dust load
values which can be compared with the results of the stochastic model given in Sec. 2. The output signal of
the satellite sensor is strongly correlated with the reflectance of the sensed object at ground level. Reflectance
patterns having a finer resolution than the sensor’s instantaneous field of view (IFOV) are averaged over
the IFOV. Including the reflectances of pure dust and pure vegetation (e.g. from image sections comprising
sufficiently large areas of the respective land cover) the proportion of the area covered with dust can be derived
for each image pixel. This proportion is a function of dust load, the correlation depending strongly on the
dust particle size distribution which is known from the experiment. Hence, it is possible to derive the dust
load from the signal of the satellite’s sensor. The conversion is done by the following steps:
a) calibration of the digital counts X(x, y) => apparent reflectance p'(x,y) at satellite level
b) geometric correction ^ apparent reflectance f/(x,y), adjusted to the model grid
c) atmospheric correction =»true reflectance p(x,y) at ground level
d) calculation of the area proportion f{x,y) on the basis of p(x,y)
e) calculation of the dust load u(x, y) on the basis of f(x, y) and the size distribution of the dust particles
a) Calibration
The apparent spectral radiance V [PVm -J /im _1 sr“ 1 ] is given as a linear function of the digital count X
according to L' = X/At , ¿=1 to 3 being the index of the HRV bands XS1, XS2 or XS3. The calibration
coefficient Ak can be calculated on the basis of the absolute gain and the instrumental gain factor transmitted
ffi a leader file together with the image data (for details see SPOT (1987) where the At’» are updated every 6
months). In this document an error of 10% for At is stated. Table 1 lists the values for the instrument HRV1
which scanned the investigated scene. In the following, the average of the two values reported for March 20
and September 20, 1987 was used for each band.
The apparent reflectance p' is defined as
cos z Ei
where z is the solar zenith angle and Eo = Eo(\ c )\Wm~
at the effective center wavelength X c of the HRV bands XS1, XS2 and XS3.
I is the extraterrestrial solar spectral irradiance