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[ 1 ]
I outgoing
n ATSR-2
Figure 1. Table of expected radiances measured by ATSR-2 channel 1 (555 nm) for a range of values of
surface albedo and boundary layer visibility.
b, we can
. Here we
scribed in
f visibility
etrieval of
efficient T
[ 2 ]
R E (U) — + ^/tr| [3]
The array element R E {i,j) is equal to zero if and only if the contours defined by R N on the nadir surface and
R at on the along-track surface intersect at albedo i and visibility j. In fact the value of R E (i,j ) gives the
sensor error required to reconcile the expected nadir and along-track radiance values for albedo i and visibility j
with the measured values. In general there will not be a zero element in the array due to the discreet sampling of
the error surface, and so the minimum valued element is used, R E (i$ ,j 0 ). Estimates of albedo and visibility are
improved by performing bi-parabolic interpolation on the error surface surrounding the located minimum -
at 550nm.
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low, if the
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rd array is
j — 0.5 (/? £ (/q + l,y 0 ) R E (ip Wo))
■ 2* £ (wo)-* e ( i . + U)-'M i i -M,)’
_ 0 -fo*(w<, l) ~ R B (hJo ~ Q)
y “ " 2* r (wo)- A(Wo+1) - - 1)
The method has the advantage of being operationally fast, due to pre-computation. Computationally expensive
forward modelling code may be used to generate accurate radiance tables. In addition further information
available such as atmospheric pressure, ground altitude and aerosol type may be used without cost. A
disadvantage is storage of the large number of radiance tables needed for different solar/view geometries.
However the radiance surface may be accurately approximated using a small number of values, as the radiance
varies almost linearly with reflectance and smoothly with visibility.
This section presents results and sensitivity analysis of the algorithm using simulated data. The simulation uses
the LOWTRAN-7 atmospheric model coupled with models of surface bi-directional reflectance. The band-pass
function and geometric and quantisation characteristics of the ATSR-2 sensor are modelled to give expected
sensor output Since the same atmospheric modelling code is used in generation of both radiance tables and