Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

together 535 kinds of objects (water bodies, rocks and minerals, vegetation, crops, and man 
made objects) were measured and 15,026 spectral curves were obtained. Multi-temporal data were 
gained in measuring crops like wheate, rice, corn, bean, cotton and millet. Most of the 
measurements were done both on airborne and in the field. 
2) . Spectral Database 
As mentioned above, huge amount of spectral data had been obtained Therefore, the projects 
were also contacted with a spectral database creation as to be a basis of SIS( Spectral 
Information System). The database had been created and collected 5 main types, 535 kinds of 
optical, microwave, and different temporal data of spectral characteristics with parameters 
of environment and background. Not only the data stored and managed but also common statistics 
software package was edited and rearranged in the database. Beside, this system had interface 
with long distance communication network. Now, this database is well prepared to provide with 
renew, standard, continuous and some analyzing functions for various applications. 
3) . Analysis of Spectral Features 
As well known, the analysis of spectral features is a basic work in remote sensing application, 
Some examples of analysis for vegetation and soil results are as follows: 
a. Vegetation 
In range 350nm to 2500nm, 10 wavelenth ranges were divided as to be the spectral feature 
describtions. Each of them has its own characteristics and behaviours. 
Main Spectral Features of Vegetation 
(1) . 350nm-490nm 
380nm weak absorption atmosphere 
400-450nm strong absorption chlorophyll 
425-490nm strong absorption carotene 
(2) . 490nm-600nm 
490-560nm sub-strong absorp. carotene 
530-590nm main absorption red aquatic protein 
550nm strong reflec. peak chlorophyll 
(3) . 600nm-700nm 
610-660nm main absorption blue aquatic protein 
650-700nm 81rong absorption chlorophyll 
(4) . 700nm-750nm At 700nm reflectance increasing sharply 
and keep high in the rest part. 
(5) . 750nm-1300nm A undulation waveform and higher reflec. 
strong absorption water, Oxygen 
weak absorption water 
strong absorption 
reflec. peak 
( 6 ). 
(7) . 
( 8 ) . 
1360-147 Onm 
(10). 2350nm-2500nm 
b. Soils 
Former studies in soil spectrum are concentrated on reflectance features in visible range and 
the relationships between these features and biological and physical characteristics. Recent 
study focus on high spectral resolution features of main clay minerals in soils at near 
infrared region. The results show that there are four main clay minerals in soils, the 
features as follows: 
Kaolinite: Pband (2200nm) >0.5 
Asy (2200nm) >1.0 
Montmorillonite: Pband (19OOnm) =1.0 
Asy (1900nm) <-1.0 
The valley form and lower reflec. 
strong absorption water, C02 
A higher reflec. peak water content 
A wide absorption water, C02 
A medium reflec. peak water content 
main absorption water,C02 
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