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composed of 165 pluviométrie stations. The details of this work can be found in Lopez-Baeza et al., (1993b
and c).
Four contributions are presented in this section dealing with the estimation and mapping of surface fluxes at
a regional scale from remote sensing data. The team of the University of Valencia focussed on the
improvement of semi-empirical models relating actual évapotranspiration to surface temperature, and
proposed adaptions to the case of barley and maize. The INRA team describe a methodology to study the
signification of coefficients to be introduced in such relationships in order to derive surface fluxes directly
at regional scale from NOAA-AVHRR data. To avoid the arbitrary character linked to the use of semi-
empirical relationships, the Winand Staring Center propose a new algorithm based on the use of NDV1 to
take into account vegetation parameters in a better way. They give two examples of application over the
Tomelloso and Barrax areas. Finally a joint work made by the JPL and DLR present a method based on the
combination of a SVAT model with SAR data. The authors refer to Chapter 7.4 of the EFEDA Final Report
edited by Lagouarde (1993) to get a detailed account of these works.
The work was performed under CEC contract EPOC-CT-90-030. There are also many additional national
contributions which are greatfully acknowledged here.
This presentation tries to summarize the work of the EFEDA sub-group on Remote Sensing and
Radiometric Properties of the Surface developed under the Phase I of the experiment. The authors would
like to refer to the other centers which compose this sub-group and whose principal investigators are: H.-J.
Bolle (F.U. Berlin, FRG), A.M. Jochum (D.L.R., Oberpfaffenhofen, FRG), P. Rabat and W. Bastiaanssen
(Winand Staring Center, Wageningen, The Netherlands), J.-P. Lagouarde (I.N.R.A., Villenave d’Omon,
France), F. Nerry (Univ. Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France), S.S. Saatchi (J.P.L., Pasadena, USA), and J.
Thornes (Univ. of London, UK). The important contribution from US American groups are pleasantly
mentioned here as well and everyone in EFEDA acknowledges the support of NASA (D. Wickland, NASA
Headquarters, Washington, USA).
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Billing H„ Bolle H.-J., Eckardt M„ Fell F„ Langer I. and Tonn W., 1993a. Contribution of the Free
University of Berlin. Ch. 7.1.3 in EFEDA Final Report. Ed. by H.-J. Bolle and B. Streckenbach.
August 1993, Berlin.
Billing H., Bolle H.-J., Eckardt M„ Fell F., Koslowsky D., Langer I. and Tonn W„ 1993b.
Contribution of the Free University of Berlin. Ch. 7.3.2 in EFEDA Final Report. Ed. by H.-J. Bolle
and B. Streckenbach. August 1993, Berlin.
Bolle H.-J. et al., 1993. EFEDA: European field experiment in a desertification-threatened area. Ann.
Geophysicae 11,173-189.
Bolle H.-J. and Streckenbach B. (Editors), 1993. Land-surface radiation properties. Ch 7 in EFEDA
Final Report, August 1993, Berlin.
CSES, 1992. Atmospheric Removal Programme (ATREM) Users Guide V 1.1. Center for the Study
of Earth from Space, University of Boulder, Boulder, Colorado.
Fortea, J.C., Lopez-Baeza, E., Melia, J., and Moreno, J„ 1993a. Corrección atmosférica de los datos
del sensor multiespectral AVIRIS utilizando LOWTRAN-7 y radiosondeos de EFEDA. XXIV
Bienal, Real Sociedad Española de Física, 27 Sept.-l Oct. 1993, Jaca (Huesca, Spain) (accepted).
Gilabert M.A., Campos J.A., Younis M.T. and Melia J., 1993a. Seguimiento del maiz por
radiometría de campo en la zona experimental EFEDA. El NDVI como indicador del crecimiento. V
Reunión Científica de la Asoc. Española de Telcdctección. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 10-12 Nov.,
Gilabert M.A., Lopez-Baeza E., Younis M.T., Lopez A., Melia J. and Campos J., 1993b.
Contribution of the Remote Sensing Group of the University of Valencia. Ch. 7.1.2 in EFEDA Final
Report. Ed. by H.-J. Bolle and B. Streckenbach. August 1993, Berlin.
Gilabert M.A. and Melia J., 1994. High spectral resolution spectroscopy for monitoring com growth
at EFEDA site (Spain). 6 th Int. Symp. on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing,
Vail d’Isere, January 17 -21,1994.
Harrison A.R., Hurcom S.J. and Tabcrncr M„ 1993a. Contribution of the University of Bristol. Ch.
7.1.1 in EFEDA Final Report. Ed. by H.-J. Bolle and B. Streckenbach. August 1993, Berlin.