Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

To compute lite radar back scattering coefficient, the IEM model need the radar parameters(frequency, 
polarisation state, incidence angle, azimulal angle), and the surface parametersfdielectric constant and the 
surface correlation function). The expression of the backscaUering coefficient is (in co-polarised case): 
C PP = ~| i pp| C x p(- 4 S 2 k 2 COS 2 e)^ 4S k C ^ S ^ W (n) (2ksin9cos«I).2ksinesin<t)) 
k2 " / -* - ' ‘ ^ o\V (4s 2 k 2 cos 2 9) n 
— Re(f’ppFpp)cxp(-3s 2 k 2 cos 2 0)£- 
k | c I 2 / _ 2, 2 2 a) V 1 (S 2 k 2 COS 2 0) n , 
+ |Fpp| exp^-2s k COS GJ^ W' J (2ksinecos<I>,2ksinesin<I>) 
-W (n) (2ksine cos <h, 2ksin0 sin <t>) 
- s : Heigth RMS 
• k = — wave number 
- 0,C>: incidence and azimutal angle 
- W (n) (u,v) = -L/|p n (x,y) e - i(ux+vy) dxdy 
- p(x,y) : surface correlation function 
-e r , p r : dielectric constant and relative pennitivity 
* R II > R 1 : Parallel and perpendicular fresnel coefficient for the incidence angle 0 
Before, we have seen that the IEM model needs the two dimensional correlation function of the surface 
(i.e. the height distribution in 2 dimensions of the surface) to compute the backscattering coefficient The 
difficulty of measuring the two dimensional height distribution of the surface on a large area leads us to 
define a model of surface based on the profile of heights measured by the "profile-meter" in two 
directions, parallel and perpendicular to the row direction. As a result, we have to determine parameters 
of the surface model. 
The complexity of agricultural surface is due to the fact that the surface can represents more than one 
spatial scale. In general, clods and rows represent two separate spatial scales: a small spatial structure 
(clods) and a large spatial structure (rows). On sowing fields, the row structure introduce an anisotropy of 
the surface and gives a preferential direction of the surface structure. 
The surface model used in this study was presented by Kong in 1984 [4]. The height distribution is given 
Z = f(x,y) = £(x,y) + A(x) cos(^x + <p(x)) 
- 4(x,y) represents the small scale (clods) and is a gausian random variable with zero mean 
- A(x)cos(^fx + <p(x» represents the large scale and is a narrow • band gaussian random process, 
centered around the spatial frequency of , where the variation of the enveloppe A(x) and 
the phase tp(x) is slow compared to those of cos(-^?- x) 
The correlation function corresponding to this height distribution is 

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