more use as the data would lead to more tightly confined clusters. Note that this says nothing about whether the
crop clusters would be superimposed. A sensor with a different incidence angle may improve this situation by
separating some crops but could also merge others. It appears likely that there are optimum incidence angles for
different tasks in agricultural imaging. Note also that these comments refer only to single date imagery and that
the inclusion of other times during the growing season may play an important role as we have seen with ERS-1
observations (Wright et al 1994).
We would like to thank NASA, the European Space Agency and the Joint Research Centre, Ispra for their roles
in organising and conducting the MAC Europe experiment. This work was supported by the British National
Space Centre under contract RAE IB / 89
Bird, P.J., Cordey, R.A., Diament, A, Gorman, M.R., Holmes, M.G., Kenward, D.R.D., Keyte, G.E.,
Wooding, M. & Wright P.A., 1993. ERS-1 SAR Crop Monitoring Experiment in East Anglia, UK.
Proceedings of First ERS-1 Symposium, Cannes, France, 4-6 November 1992, ESA SP-359
Cordey, R.A., Wright, P.A., Quegan S., Wielogorska, A. & Loughlin, W.P. 1993. MAC-EUROPE Crop
Imaging Experiment at Feltwell, UK. Proceedings of 25 th International Symposium, Remote Sensing and
Global Environmental Change, Graz, Austria, 4-8 April 1993
Tsang, L., Kong, J.A. & Shin, R.T., 1985. Theory of Microwave Remote Sensing. J. Wiley & Sons, New
Wright, P.A., Saich, P.J & Cordey, R.A., 1994. Crop Monitoring with ERS-1 SAR in East Anglia, UK.
Proceedings of Second ERS-1 Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, 11-14 October 1993, to be published.
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