Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

Polarized Reflectance Angular Signatures 
from Surface and Airborne Measurements 
François-Marie Bréon 1 , and Didier Tanré 2 
1: Laboratoire de Modélisation du Climat et de l'Environnement 
CEA/DSM/LMCE; 91191 Gif sur Yvette, France 
2: Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique 
USTL, Bat P5; 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France 
Concomitant surface and airborne 
measurements of the bidirectional polarised 
reflectance have been acquired during the 
Hapex-Sahel experiment. Two analytical 
models are suggested for the surface; one for 
bare soil and the other for the vegetation. 
They both consider that polarised radiance is 
generated at the surface by single specular 
reflection. The comparison of model estimates 
with surface measurements confirms this 
hypothesis. The measurements verify that 
bare soils generate much more polarised 
reflectance than vegetation canopies do. For a 
given surface, the polarised reflectance 
depends mostly on the scattering angle (the 
angle between the sun and view direction), but 
also on the solar and view zenith angles. 
At aircraft level, surface polarised 
reflectance is ambiguously mixed with that 
generated by molecular and aerosol scattering. 
However, a signal from the surface can be 
evidenced. During the experiment, we found 
that the measurements depend little on the 
aerosol optical thickness. When aerosol 
optical thickness increases, the additional 
polarised radiance generated by aerosol 
scattering is partly compensated by a 
reduction of that produced by other processes 
(masking by aerosol diffusion). 
KEY WORDS: Surface reflectance, airborne 
measurements, polarisation, model, 
POLDER, directional signatures 
Polarised reflectance measurements of 
natural surfaces have been initiated by 
Coulson (1966) in the 60’s. Since then, there 
have been several attempts to correlate the 
polarised light reflected by surfaces to their 
biophysical properties. The polarisation was 
said to be related to the surface roughness 
(Wolff, 1975) and to the size of reflecting 
elements (Egan, 1970). Some authors tried to 
correlate the polarisation to soil moisture 
(Egan, 1968; Curran, 1978) or to vegetation 
biomass (Curran, 1981). It was also said that it 
could be used for a better classification of 
surface cover (Curran, 1982; Egan, 1970; Fitch 
et al., 1984) and for monitoring the vegetation 
canopy state as well (Vanderbilt and de 
Venecia, 1988; Vanderbilt et al. 1985). A review 
of early attempts to use polarisation for surface 
remote sensing is given in Tamalge and 
Curran (1986). Theoretical studies to 
understand the nature and to modelize the 
polarisation from Earth surfaces were also 
performed. The polarisation was recognised to 
be generated by specular reflection at the 
surface of reflecting elements such as leaves 
(Vanderbilt and Grant; 1985), rocks or sand 
grains (Grant, 1987). Rondeaux and Herman 
(1991) developed a physical model for 
vegetation canopies and they showed that the 
inversion of the model against field 
measurements allows the retrieval of the 
canopy leaf angular distribution and so the 
estimation of the vegetation state. The 
polarisation properties of natural targets have 
also been investigated in the laboratory using 
an incandescent lamp (Woessner and Hapke, 
1987) or a polarised laser beam (Gibbs et al., 
1993) as a source. 
The POLDER instrument (Polarisation and 
Directionality of the Earth Reflectance; 
Deschamps et al., 1994), to be launched in 1996 
on the Japanese ADEOS platform, will 
measure the polarisation of Earth Reflectances. 
It will be the first attempt of using polarisation 
measurements for global Earth monitoring. 
A major concern for the use of polarised 
light over land surfaces is the capability to 
discriminate between polarisation generated in 
the atmosphere and that generated by the 
surface. So, for a good interpretation of the 
satellite polarisation measurements, a data 
base of polarised reflectances for several 
ecosystems and different atmospheric 
conditions is needed. To achieve this objective,

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