of the United Kingdom at midsummer. The LAI and daily integrated values of P were fitted to eq. 2 using the
Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. The same divisions used for the LAI-VI data were used to create a suite of
semi-empirical models linking P to LAI with the LAI-P data.
2.4. Sensitivity of the VI-LAI and VI-P relationships
The standard deviation of a VI at any given LAI (a VI ) is an expression of the sensitivity of the VI-LAI
relationship to noise. In this case noise is taken to mean anything not explicitly accounted for in the semi-
empirical models. It therefore includes the scatter of points around the fitted curve caused by uncontrolled
variability in soil reflectance, average leaf angle, leaf optical properties and solar-view geometry. This scatter
of points around a mean value (for any given LAI) can be expressed as relative equivalent noise (REN^), which
has been defined as the product of a v , /LAI and the inverse of the local slope of the VI-LAI relationship (Baret
and Guyot, 1991). The slope of the VI-LAI relationship is obtained by differentiating eq. 1
dVI/dLAI = - k V] (VI, - VIJ exp(- k VI LAI) (4)
and so REN^ is defined as:
REN,* = o^, /LAI = (o VI /LAI) (dVI/dLAI)' 1
= (a VI /LAI){ - k vt (VI, - VI m )exp(- k VI LAI))' 1 (5)
The scatter around the VI-P relationship is derived in a similar manner and the relative equivalent noise of P
(RENp) is defined as follows:
RENp = a P / P = (Ov,/ P) (dP/dVI) 1
= (o VI / P)(aP, (VI„ - VI) <“'> / (VI, - VI,) ° }‘(6)
where dP/dVI is the slope of eq. 3 and a = kp/k vl .
3.1. The sensitivity of the relative equivalent noise of LAI signal to chlorosis distribution, ALA and soil
Fig. la shows the REN^ of NDVI and TSAVI for a fixed ALA=55°. When LAI>2 the relative equivalent noise
of both indices was significantly larger when the chlorosis distribution was unknown. This arises because the
effect of slight differences in the leaf optical properties of the two components are greatly magnified when the
optical thickness of the layers increase. At low LAI the relative equivalent noise of TSAVI was an order of
magnitude less than that of NDVI. This difference arises because the NDVI is far more sensitive than the TSAVI
to soil reflectance. At intermediate canopy densities (2<LAI<6) the REN^ of TSAVI was greater than that of
NDVI because the TSAVI-LAI relationship saturated at a lower LAI than the NDVI-LAI relationship. When the
chlorosis distribution was known REN W was similar for both indices at high LAI, but when the chlorosis
distibution was unknown REN,^ was an order of magnitude greater for NDVI than for TSAVI.
Fig. lb shows REN^ when soil reflectance = 20%. The relative equivalent noise for both indices only
marginally increased when the chlorosis distribution was unknown. This implies that the variation in ALA was
equally as important as the variation in the chlorosis distribution. The REN^ of TSAVI was virtually identical
for the three chlorosis distributions over the complete range of LAI. However for the NDVI there were
significant differences in the REN lai between the three chlorosis distributions when LAI>2. When the canopy was
sparse the uncontrolled variation in ALA affected both indices equally. After canopy closure NDVI was initially
more sensitive than TSAVI to increments in the LAI, therefore REN^ was smaller for NDVI than TSAVI at
intermediate LAI.
Fig. lc shows REN lai when both ALA and soil reflectance were unknown. The noise in both indices
were dominated by the effects of soil reflectance when LAI<3 and by the effects of ALA or chlorosis distribution
when LAI>3. In dense canopies the noise in both indices was only slightly larger than those when the soil