Object: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology, 21-23 April 1999 
Armin Gruen 
Institute of geodesy and Photogrammetry 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
Zurich (ETH Zurich), ETH-Hoenggerberg 
CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland 
T: + 41 1 633 3038 
F: + 41 1 633 1101 
E-mail: agruen@geod.ethz.ch 
United Kingdom 
Huang Yi Dong 
University of East London 
School of Surveying, Uel 
Longbridge Road 
Dagenham, Essex RM8 2AS, UK 
T: +44 181 590 7000 ext. 6250 
F: +44 181 849 3618 
E-mail: Y.Huang@uel.ac.uk 
United State 
Brezezinska Dorota 
The Ohio State University Center 
for Mapping 
1216 Kinnear Rd. Columbus 
OH43210, USA 
T: + 1 614 292 8787 
F: + 1 614 292 8062 
E-mail: dorota@cfm.ohio-state.edu 
Hoffmann Axel 
758 Grondine Rd Lafayette 
CA 94549, USA 
T: + 1 510 638 6122 
F: + 1 510 638 5628 
E-mail: hoffmann@hjm.com 
Prof. Ron Li 
Ohio State University 
470 Hitchcock hall 
2070 Neil Ave., Columbus 
OH 43210, USA 
T: +1 614 292 6946 
F: +1 614 292 2957 
E-mail: li.282@osu.edu 
Toth Chales 
The Ohio State University Center 
for Mapping 
1216 Kinnear Rd. Columbus 
OH43210, USA 
T: + 1 614 292 8787 
F: + 1 614 292 8062 
E-mail: toth@cfm.ohio-state.edu 
Lawrence W. Fritz 
Lockheed Martin Coporation 
14833 Lake Terrace 
Rockville MD 20853-3632 
T: + 1 301 460 9046 
F: + 1 301 460 0021 
E-mail: lwfritz@erols.com 
Royal Thai Survey Department 
Mr. Peerasak Oonok 
Mr. Chaisit Preeyanutab 
Mr. Uamkiat Charoensom 
The Royal Forestry Department 
Mr. Wallop Bangkurdpol 
Department of Mineral Resources 
Ms. Suree Pokeaw 
The Land Development Department 
Ms. Sasithorn Plaichaiyapoom 
Ms. Promchit Trakuldist 
Mrs. Valairat Wanpiyarat 
Mr. Paitoon Kadeethum 
Mr. Prasert Butravth 
Mrs. Chotinard Ratanasaka 
Mr. Surin Waicharoen 
Ms. Rungnapa Tawanron 
Ms. Sasithorn Plaichaiyapoom 
Department of Agricultural Extension 
Mrs. Omsap Viyakornvilas 
The Royal Irrigation Department 
Mr. Pravet Rungrungsree 
Mr. Prapeut Kerdsueb 
Mr. Prakorn Suwanich 
Air Reconnaissance Department 
Mr. Paisan Yaimkuan 
Naval Hydrographic Department 
Mr. Siricahai Noeytong 
Mr. Virat Kaenchan 
Mr. Preecha Somsukjaroen 
The Meteorological Department 
Mr. Somchai Baimong 
Agriculture Land Reform Office 
Mr. Vinai Saipreecha

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