energy balance equation because he realized the vagaries it involved. Ever since the intro
duction of the use of infrared thermometry for vegetation (Fuchs and Tanner, 1966), scientists
have been determined to try to find a way to use this simple measurement to exploit the physi
cal relationship between surface temperature and evaporation. Jackson (1982) used infrared
temperature in the Penman-Monteith equation (Monteith, 1965) for surface temperature.
Huband and Monteith (1986) related infrared thermometer (IRT) measurements to aero
dynamic surface temperature extrapolated from air temperature profiles, and even though they
standardized the view angle relative to the sun, they encountered a systematic bias between
the aerodynamic temperature that satisfies the big-leaf energy balance equation and the infra
red temperature measurement. This is not surprising considering the myriad of factors that
infrared temperature may depend on.
Directional, infrared canopy temperature depends on many quantities, such as air temper
ature, air vapor pressure, wind speed, canopy radiation balance, canopy architectural and
spectral properties, canopy water vapor conductance (which depends on soil water availability
and stomatal characteristics), soil heat and water characteristics and soil spectral properties,
and the direction of view relative to the position of the sun. Although canopy temperature
clearly is related to the partitioning of energy fluxes and thus evapotranspiration, numerous
definitions exist for the term "canopy temperature." The various temperatures can be suffi
ciently different for a given situation that infrared thermometer measurements may not be use
ful in evaluating the canopy energy budget.
This paper contains a discussion of directional temperature and emissivity of soil-vegeta
tion systems and the implications for remote sensing within the framework of a comprehensive
plant-environment model, Cupid (Norman and Campbell, 1983). The Cupid model, which has
been compared with field measurements, can be used to explore the sensitivity of directional
temperature and emissivity to various factors and assist in defining important quantities more
The model Cupid (Norman and Campbell, 1983) is used to explore the relations among the
various definitions of canopy temperature. Cupid is a one-dimensional, layered model that
includes atmospheric, canopy and soil exchanges of momentum, energy and mass. Radiative,
convective and conductive processes are combined with soil and plant characteristics to pro
duce an integrative model. Boundary conditions usually are specified some meters above the
top of the canopy and below the bottom of the root zone so that conditions at the soil surface
are an output of the model. Canopy architecture, leaf physiological and radiative properties,
and soil conductive properties to heat and water are used in the combined radiative, convective
and conductive equations to provide profiles of fluxes, concentrations and temperatures
throughout the soil, canopy and atmosphere system. Cupid is a comprehensive model that has
been used in numerous applications, including photosynthetic productivity, irrigation water
balance, integrated pest management of insects and diseases, and bidirectional reflectance
studies related to remote sensing (Norman, 1988). Presently the model also includes direc
tional thermal radiance equations as well as bidirectional short wave and thermal reflection
(Norman et al., 1985).