sky radiance is
small, these approximations are reasonable. The atmospheric radiance may be
U\B) = J‘" B4T(z)]j±(z,6)d.
where z is height, z, is the height of the surface, z D is the height of the sensor, T(z ) is the atmo
spheric temperature profile and t\(z,6) is the atmospheric transmittance profile. Monochro
matic quantities have been used in these equations because of the simplification gained. When
making a real measurement it is necessary to integrate over a waveband, and the monochro
matic quantities must be replaced with wavelength integrated values convolved with the filter
response function, 5(A), of the instrument. Fortunately, the waveband required is generally
narrow (< 1 /xm) and for most temperatures encountered on the earth it is possible to use an
equivalent wavelength which when used in the Planck function gives radiances that are close to
those obtained by integrating over the response function. It is also a reasonable approximation
to replace the integrated transmittances and emissivities by equivalent values, that is, define,
jjl s[mm
it; s(x)i\
where i/> is the quantity (e.g. e„(A)) and A e the equivalent wavelength. Other averaging schemes
are possible and Sobrino et al. (1992) include a weighting with the Planck function and the
atmospheric transmittance. The value of this approximation will not be discussed here and we
will simply assume that it is good.
The atmospheric transmittance between two heights, Z\, z 2 (z 2 > z\) is,
r(z 1 ;z 2 ,0) = expj-y k\(z')p(z') sec Odz'^ , (5)
where k\ is the absorption coefficient for ail gases affecting the radiation at wavelength A and
p(z) is the water vapour density profile.
The set of equations given so far represent a reasonable starting point for describing the
basic physics of the measurement of land surface temperatures using infrared radiometry. How
ever, as formulated they are not particularly useful for deriving surface temperatures because
there are generally too many unknowns and too few measurements. Thus to obtain a method
ology for using this basic framework, further approximations and constraints must be applied.
These are described next.
The parameters appearing in (l)-(5) all have some dependence on zenith angle. By making
some simplifying approximations we will investigate the size and behaviour of these dependen
2.1 Transmittances.
Assuming that the absorption coefficient is independent of height and defining the précipitable
water amount (g cm -2 ) to be,
U = f p(z)dz,
( 5 ) can be integrated from the surface to the height of the sensor to give,
t,(A, 6) = exp { — k\U sec0} .