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Taking values for &a= 0.12 cm 2 g -1 and 17=1.4 g cm -2 which are typical for 11 fi m radiation in
a dry continental atmosphere, the variation of t, with view angle, 6 has been calculated and
is shown in Figure 1. For comparison we also show on Figure 1 values of the transmittance
calculated using the LOWTRAN-7 atmospheric radiance/transmittance code (Kneizys et al.,
1986) with measured radiosonde profiles.
Figure 1: Variation of total atmospheric transmittance with view angle.
The model Calculations with radiosonde profiles fit (7) quite well. A further approximation
can be made, when the argument of (7) is small,
cos 6
( 8 )
This approximation underestimates the transmittance and it is better to use ( 8 ) with a weighted
absorber amount, U* such that,
IT = aU, (9)
where a is a constant and 0 < a < 1. Curves derived using ( 8 ) with the modifcation of (9) are
also shown in Figure 1 for a=1.0 (dashed) and a=0.9 (dotted).
2.2 Atmospheric radiance.
Equation (3) shows how the upwelling atmospheric radiance contributes to the radiances re
ceived at the sensor. When the atmosphere is horizontally homogeneous, the variation of I a
with 6 should be predictable from a measurement of the zenith value of I a . LOWTRAN-7
calculations were also performed to calculate I a from radiosonde data. Figure 2 shows the
variation of I a with zenith angle for 11 /¿m and 12 /zm radiation. Since the atmospheres used in
the calculation were not exactly the same, some variation is caused by differing water vapour
amounts. The variation follows quite closely a relation of the form,
/a(M) = /«(A,0)^-
— exp {— b{U) sec 0}]
[1 - exp {-b(U)}\
( 10 )
The parameter b(U) depends on the total précipitable water (U) and may have a small depen
dence on wavelength. Curves derived from (10) are also shown on Figure 2.