Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

ty over the land 
ents ( 10-12 /¿m) 
! 0 ° decreasing to 
r the sea surface 
modelling the sea 
1988). For the 
îysical processes 
uda (1987) have 
idiative transfer 
îat the particles 
ximation, but it 
169). Takashima 
avelength bands 
Figure 3 shows 
on of 20 /xm-7.4 
and Takashima 
size distribution 
lata are required 
with confidence. 
)f the form, 
using ( 11 ) will 1 
perimental data 
Figure 3: Variation of the emissivity of quartz powder with zenith angle based on the 
calculations of Takashima and Masuda (1987) for a plane surface and for particles in the 
size range 20-7400 fim. Also shown are the experimental results of Barton and Takashima 
Figure 4: Variation of 11 /xm emissivity with zenith angle for the experimental data of 
Barton and Takashima (1986) (A), the calculations of Takashima and Masuda (1987) 
(dotted line) and a parametrisation developed in the present work (solid line).

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