Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

hnique applied 
ver large 
point is discussed in more detail in 3.3, we just would like to underline here 
the value of recent successive experiments with helicopter-based lidar- 
fluorosensor, conducted in Italy (G. Cecchi et al., 1994). 
In general, the future of lidar-fluorosensor applications in oceanography 
and its place in the system of marine monitoring will essentially depend on 
successful solution of related problems. The current progress in techniques 
and applications allows to hope for new promising results in this field. 
promising tool 
[see Grüner et 
in the German 
nunication; see 
:s per year is 
;al discharges, 
and Gorbunov, 
from research 
• plications. 
is still some 
» for accurate 
ojects (phyto- 
tion, rate of 
ntents in the 
the problems 
idar technique 
jf investigated 
sties in sea 
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ese difficulties 
¡scence contri- 
). The promis- 
were obtained 
i of pump-and- 
efficiency and 
!b, 1994). The 
orescence are 
etical descrip- 
/ere caused by 
lg along-track 
stributions of 
the track of 
s is utilization 
sional mapping 
150 m at the 
ng techniques 
profiling even 
ess an obvious 
lent this were 
rom this point 
able for time 
ical resolution 
been achieved 
considered as 
nsor. As this 
Cecchi G., Baldecchi M., Bazzani M., Meiners F., Pantani L., Raimondi V., 
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