tic activity. In
istance of 5 km
1990) on spatial
actual range of
sually supposed
et al., 1991).
schnique in the
:ion about both
and Chekalyuk,
:e Fig.5a) was
ng influence of
id, that due to
A4>/<I>m indicated
1 centers of PS
bution (Fig.5a)
ical structures
anation of the
nthetic activity
water streams
tion of Chl-a
uk, 1993) taking
illumination in
curacy of Chl-a
>ution of Chl-a
6.3. Lidar monitoring of natural biophysical processes in the sea
Another potentially rich field of application of pump-and-probe lidar
technique is undisturbing in situ study of natural biophysical processes at
various temporal and spatial scales. As an example we present in Fig .6 the
results of our measurements in the Mediterranean Sea (April 1991). One can see
duirnal variations of Chl-a fluorescence ($) and algal photosynthesis effici
ency (17 = caused by excessive solar illumination in near-surface water
column. Energy-dependent quenching and photoinhibition of photosynthesis were
found to be the main regulating mechanisms (Gorbunov and Chekalyuk, 1992).
1 1 1 1 r—
L :
* ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■’
ui, .
AA À . v.-m:
-j— l'U V- ,—VWA ,—U-.Iq
24 6 1218 24 6 1218 24 6 1218
TIME (hours)
Figure 6 . Lidar Measurements of Diurnal Variations of Phytoplankton
Chlorophyll-a Fluorescence (Actual Level $) and Efficiency of
Photosynthesis rj = A$/4>m. The Mediterranean, April 1991.
Thus, the development of lidar implementation of pump-and-probe technique and
its first field applications have shown the essential potential of this
approach to remote monitoring of photosynthesis. The main advantage of this
novel technique is the capability of direct remote real-time monitoring the
efficiency of ongoing photosynthetic processes, as well as phytoplankton
abundance with a high spatial (horizontal) and temporal resolution.
On the other hand, successful transfer of lidar pump-and-probe technique
from research environment to real operational use will strongly depend on
solutions of a number of relevant problems: 1 ) development of airborne (using
helicopter are aircraft as a carrier) pump-and-probe lidar system to provide
express monitoring over large areas; 2 ) development of detecting system with
time resolution and wide dynamic range to provide vertical profiling in the
sea; 3) transfer from estimates of photosynthetic efficiency to the evalua
tions of integral characteristics of photosynthesis (primary production); 4)
development of lidar bioindication of unfavorable environmental impacts in
industrially active areas (including monitoring in coastal zones); 5 )
development of a family of relatively simple and cost-effective commercially
available lidar systems.