lents: so-called
>nes (see, e.g.
functional state
lgly depends on
dive) up to 2-4
primary photo-
is often under-
lodel describing
anosecond laser
his model takes
synthetic units,
on of excitons,
RCs caused by
the model: PIQ,
:he intermediate
PS II RC). The
' respectively.
s the effective
0 account the
rophyll-c, and
oncentration of
ition of Chl-a
of RCs in the
deactivation of
- the rate of
on in close RC;
I (and yield
r 1
’constant’ and 1
1 of theoretical
and experimental data has proved adequacy of the model. In addition, this
allowed to determine the relationship between the rates of exciton capture by
PS II RC for different states of the RC (Bunin et al., 1992).
The consequence of practical importance is nonlinear dependence of LIF
intensity (and LIF yield) on power of laser pulses ("saturation" of
fluorescence). In the case of in vivo Chl-a fluorescence this effect is
observed even at relatively low levels of laser irradiance (I = 10 kW/cm“ 2 ).
The saturation of LIF from in vivo Chl-a is caused by a number of mechanisms,
main of which in the case of excitation by nano- and picosecond pulses is
singlet-singlet annihilation of excitons within the light-harvesting complexes
(see e.g. Bunin et al., 1992).
Effect of LIF saturation should be taken into account for estimating the
practically important variables such as:
- phytoplankton Chl-a concentration in water from measurements of Chl-a
fluorescence normalized to water Raman scattering (Fig.l);
- photosynthesis efficiency of algae and leaves from measurements of
Chl-a variable fluorescence n = (F -F)/F (see Fig.2 and (Chekalyuk and
max max
Gorbunov, 1994b,c; Gorbunov and Chekalyuk, 1994));
- Chl-a content in leaves and their physiological status on the base of
measurements of the Chl-a fluorescence ratio F690/F735 (Fig.3,4), as well as
of other fluorescence ratios as the blue/red one F440/F690, green/red
- time of Chl-a fluorescence decay by means of picosecond time-resolved
measurements (Schmuck et al., 1991).
Fig.l represents a typical curve of phytoplankton Chl-a fluorescence
saturation, measured remotely by shipboard lidar (from a distance of 15 m.).
According to our field lidar measurements, the decrease in Chl-a fluorescence
yield due to LIF saturation may reach 2-3 times in comparance with its
’unsaturated’ value, that leads to corresponding distortion of fluorescent
lidar data.
Figure 1. Saturation curve of phytoplankton Chl-a fluorescence
measured remotely by shipboard lidar (from a distance of 15 m.).
Maximal values of water Raman scattering, used as a measure of
laser excitation intensity, corresponds to laser intensity 100
kW/cm 2 (wavelength 532 nm, pulse duration 10 ns).