Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

;r wavelengths used 
lei plates, 
groups (see Fig. 1). 
J is located in UV 
film thickness and 
isible region. It is 
>n. With increase of 
ths, the shift value 
i explained in terms 
oil identification is 
thickness alteration 
us, except gasoline 
velengths. The film 
tation spectra. 
distilled water. The 
We do not distinct 
its were made just 
►ther samples were 
i shown in Fig.2. 
tral structure and 
>il films. As it was 
itation wavelength. 
in water strongly 
soline film has only 
at 290and 330 nm 
pectrum located at 
1 water have three 
queous samples of 
s. The intensity of 
of oil dissolved in 
dilutions in water 
r light oil cut (for 
:vy oils with ^ex > 
ledium/heavy) and 
Libyan crude oil 
Libyan crude oil 
Figure 1 : Fluorescence spectra of oil films with various excitation wavelengths.

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