Full text: Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection

ion permit us us to 
ice. This technique 
sample using two 
pectral range. The 
) nm, and is caused 
es not contribute in 
e to another (their 
ut the lines of Xe- 
nple, N2-laser with 
uggested technique 
0 another possible 
henol compounds) 
itribute in observed 
of YAG-laser (266 
1 simultaneously by 
)id interference of 
is is independent of 
un of Diesel fuel is 
crsed in water body 
water using various 
l As it is seen from 
pes of synchronous 
ire intensitive, and 
using synchronous 
ad for oils in water 
is spectra for DOM 
Lrce intensity do not 
ctra with a A=50 nm. 
nation. While Aex < 
0 nm the difference 
ronous spectra with 
ter oil-water mixing 
. This spectral range 
th excitation at 220 
•orates. This appears 
can distinguish fresh 
ifficulties. However, 
cation. In laboratory 
dd be obtained. The 
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) 
Figure 4 : Fluorescence synchronous spectra for oil pollutions in water. AX : difference 
between excitation and emission wavelengths

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