Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus X, Tomus I)

Syrij 24 3 24 0 
Procyonis 46 20 46 20 
Cordis 54 0 
Obferuaui etiam denuo diftantias aliquot ftellarum in CaBiopaea. 
Diftantia fecundae a tertia 1.45 
quarta 4.42 
duodecima 4.57 
Diftantia primae a tertia 4.21 
Diftantia vndecimae a 12 ma 4.52 
Diftantia quartae a 12 ma 
Diftantia tertiae a quarta 
Diftantia quartae ab ll ma 
Eadem eft quartae a quinta. 
Diftantia quintae a fexta 
Hae diftantiae veriBimae funt et multoties repetitae. 
3. 2 

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