Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus X, Tomus I)

Inter Luc. V et feq. in 36 14 
genu 36 14i 
Inter Luc. V et praeced. 35 47 
in genu 35 47 
Inter Luc. y et lucidam in 
iìniftro brachio 33 22 
Inter Luc. V et minus lue. 
eiufdem brachij 33 39 
Inter Luc. V et paruulam 43 01 
inf. extre. fellae 43 1 
Luc. V et feq. duarum 31 23 
boreal. in virga 31 23 
Luc. V et praeced. duarum 31 4H 
boreal. in virga 31 41 
Inter Luc. Y* et fup. duarum 29 391 
extre. in virga 29 40 
Inter Luc. V et extremam 28 55 
in virga 28 54

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