Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XI, Tomus II)

Retineatur itaque tempus tranfitus 
per meridianum prout obferuabatur 
H.ll 54' 40". 
Pro Afceniiione Redta ©. 
H.6 29'50" A. M. Spica 
a merid. or. 2 50 
Afc. R. Spicae 195 54 
Afc. R. M. C. 193 4 
3 58 0 P. M. 
9 a Merid. occ. 11 22! 
Afc. R. 9 324 44i 
II M. C. 336 7 0 
Differentia Afcenf. 143 3 
Tempus proueniens ex differ. 
Afc. R. M.C. 9 H 32'12" 
Tempus ex horologio 
interi apfum 9 28 10 
Differentia temporis 0 4 2 
TempusmeridiejH.il 54'40" 
I tempus 6 29 50 
H. 9 32' dant 4' 22", quantum 5 24 50, 
refp. 2' 18" proportionaliter. 
Verum tranfitus tempus H.ll 56'58" 
Tempus I 6 29 50 
Differentia vera temporis 5 27 8 
Refpondet in aequatore 81°47' 0" 
IAfc. R. M.C. 193 4 
Afc. R. © 274 51 0 
Locus© 4 27 \Z 
Ephemerides noftrae dant 4 29 57 £ 
H.6 34'59"SpicattPor. 
Afc. R. Spicae 
195 54 
Afc. R. M. C. 
194 29 
4 0 8 9 occ. 
11 58! 
Afc. R. 9 
324 44 
II M.C. 
336 42f 
Differ. Afc. M. C. 
142 13 45 
Refpondet in tempore 9 H 28'55" 
Tempus Horol. interlapfum 9 25 9 
Differentia temporis 3 46 
H.9 29'dant3'46", 
quantum H.5 20', refp. 2' 7" 
Tranfitus © per Merid. H.ll 54'40" 
Adde 2 7 
Verum tempus 
I tempus 
Refpondet in aequatore 
I M.C. 
Afc. R. © 
Locus © 
11 56 47 
6 34 59 
5 21 48 
80° 26'15" 
194 29 0 
274 55 15 
4 31 Z 
H. 7 34' 6" Ardturus per meridianum. 
Afc. R. Ardluri 209 15|m.c. 
4 0 8 9 occ. 11581 
Afc. R. 9 324 44 
II M. C. 336 421 
Differ. Afc. M. C. 127 27 25 
Refpondet tempus H. 8 29 48 
Tempus horol. interlapfum 8 26 2 
H.8 30' dant 3'46", 
quantum H. 4 
Refpondent proportionaliter 1' 
20 ! 
54 40 
Tempus tranfitus© 11 
Verum tempus 11 56 35 
Tempus tranf. Ardluri 7 34 6 
Differentia vera 4 22 29 
Refpondet in aequatore 65°37' 15' 
Afc. R. Ardluri 209 15! 
Afc. R. © 274 52 35 
Locus © 4 281 Z 
H. 7 34' 6" A. M. Ardturus per Merid. 
M. C. 209 15i 
4 1 27 P. M. 9 occ. 12 18! 
Afc. R. 9 324 44 
II M. C. 337 2! 
Differentia Afc. 127 47 
Refpondet in tempore H. 8 31 8 
Tempus Horol. interlapfum 8 27 21 
Differ, temporis 3 47 
H.8 31'dant 3' 47", 
Refp. proportionaliter 
Tempus tranf. obferuat. 
Verum tempus 
Subtrahe I tempus 
Differentia temporis 
Refp. in aequatore 
Afc. R. Ardluri 
Afc. R.© 
Locus © 
H. 4 20 34 
1 55 
54 40 
56 35 
34 6 
22 29 
65° 37'15" 
209 15 20 
274 52 35 
4 28 28Z 

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