Full text: Tychonis Brahe Dani Thesaurus Observationum (Tomus XIII, Tomus IV)

Altitudo polaris maxima 53 9 10 
minima 47 27 10 
Dift. a polo 2 51 
Eleuatio hinc prouenit 50 18 10 
Cor dat 50 18i 
Ergo eleuatio poli limitata erit 50 18 40 
Antea inuenta fuit 50 18 25 
InfenObiliter igitur aberrabimus, Ii eam 50 18 30 pofuerimus, poterint tamen 
& fequentes obferuationes in coniilium adhiberi. 
Alt. Polaris max. ibid. 53 7 10 
Dift. a polo 2 51 10 
Eleuatio hinc 50 16 0 
Alt. mer. primae V 57 2 10 
Declinatio 17 18 16 
Eleuatio poli 50 16 6 
Altitudo Pollucis Merio. 68 40 10 
Declinatio 28 56 5 
Eleuatio poli 50 15 55 
ABumatur ergo poli eleuatio ibidem 50 16 0, & non multum a vero difcre- 

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