Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

(3) Difference according to the smoothing method 
To clarify the difference according to the smoothing method between the matrix filtering 
and,ABIC minimization method (the data after applying 3x3 smoothing matrix were used), we 
applied the single-band clustering to the cases where the water block pattern is relatively clear 
and is unclear (Fig.7). As a result, the water blocks were classified as more complex patterns 
than those obtained by the data smoothed by the 3 x 3 smoothing matrix reflecting the noise. 
This means that the ABIC minimization method used this time was not necessarily effective 
comparing with smoothing matrix method. 
(a)1991 July 21 (3x3) (b)1991 July 21 (ABIC) 
(c)1991 Sep. 2 (3x3) (d)1991 Sep. 2 (ABIC) 
Figure 7. DefTerence according to the smoothing method for the temperature 
distribution data, the data after applying 3x3 smoothing matrix (a,c),and the data 
smoothed by ABIC minimization method (b,d) were used

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