Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

The Hainan COMEMIS project adopts structured system design method, according to the 
project’s tasks and system functions, the system is composed of six sub-systems (modules): 1. 
Data Input Sub-system; 2. Spatial & Attribute Database Management Sub-system; 3.Resource 
and Environment Routine Management Sub-system; 4. Planning and Environmental Impact 
Assessment (ElA) Sub-system; 5. Mangrove and Fishery Resource Dynamic Monitoring Sub 
system; 6. Output Sub-system. 
1. Data Input Sub-system 
It’s used for data input and database building. Its functions include: input and processing 
of remote sensing CCT images; digitizing and topological generating of thematic maps, 
recording and database building of attribute data files, etc.. 
2. Spatial & Attribute Database Management Sub-system 
It’s the crucial part of the whole system. Its principal functions include: to perform 
manipulating, updating, overlaying, retrieving and analyzing functions on thematic maps; 
storing, statistic & mathematic operations, file updating, query, logical analysis on attribute 
data, etc., building of digital elevation models (altitude classification, aspects, slope, and other 
ground parameters), as well as the integration of remote sensing images with GIS thematic 
3. Resource and Environment Routine Management Sub-system 
The sub-system is composed of resource & environment database and routine management 
models. It can provide query and analysis on coastal & marine natural resource (spatial 
distribution, qualitative & quantitative status on mangrove, coral reef, and fishery resource, 
etc ); coastal and off-shore environmental data(coastal industrial pollution sources, off-shore 
area environmental quality, monitoring & statistic data on eco-environment in Hainan island, 
etc ), and submit annual environmental quality report in the coastal & marine area of Hainan 
island to the departments concerned. 
4. Planning and El A Sub-system 
Adopting spatial overlaying of thematic maps, with the aid of Geo-expert assistant 
models, to make research on coastal environment zoning, regional resource development 
planning, marine bio-sensitivity zoning, etc.; supported by EIA simulation models to engage in 
regional or newly-built plants environment impact assessment projects.

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