Full text: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Remote Sensing for Coastal and Marine Engineering

5. Mangrove and Fishery Resource Dynamic Monitoring Sub-system 
This is one important application modules for Hainan COMEMIS project. Study on the 
relationship between NOAA-AVHRR NVI images with mangrove spatial distribution and its 
growing status along the coastal land in Hainan island; the correlation of sea surface 
temperature (it’s computed by using NOAA-AVHRR channel 4 and 5 as the input data) with 
principal fishing grounds, fishing time and fishing ground stability in the sea area around 
Hainan island, in the end, based on NOAA-AVHRR data to build dynamic monitoring & 
evaluation system on mangrove and principal marine fishery resource in Hainan island. 
6. Output Sub-system 
According to user’s demand and task, the module can provide multi ways of plan output, 
including hardcopy or digital form of thematic maps and classification images, statistic tables 
and graphic charts, etc.. 
1. Charles J. Robinove, Principals of Logic and Use of Digital Geographic Information 
System, U S. Geological Survey Circular 977, 1986. 
2. Laurence W. Carstensen, Developing Regional Land Information System, U S. 
Surveying and Mapping, Vol. 46, No.l, Jan. 1989. 
3. Li Heshun et al, Study of Environment Management Information System in 
Qinhuangdao City, China Research of Environmental Sciences, Vol.4, No.4, Sep. 1992. 
4. Jin Manyi et al, The Application of Remote Sensing Technology to Marine Fishery 
Resource Research , Thesis on Research on Environment Monitoring by Remote Sensing, 
March 1992. 
5 . N.S. Saini, Urban and Regional Planning Information System, School of Planning and 
Architecture, New Delhi, India, 1987. 
6. Ren Fuhu et al, Access to the Integration of Remote Sensing into GIS, 10th Asian 
Conference on Remote Sensing, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, Nov. 1989.

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