Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

3er that the 
t by the red 
Lm sensitivity 
i film with 
This band 
rhus for the 
to receive soil 
light red. If 
more cyan to. 
( Melinis) which 
and white, 
lightly dense 
a the black 
in darker 
the plant 
e establishment 
Panchromatic Film 
Yellow Filter 
Panchromatic Film 
red filter 
e bottom one 
color on the 
hows up yellow 
hows in cyan 
grazing. The 
ediately during 
able species as 
maximum) , or 
are occupied by 
perata brasi- 
bout improving 
IR-Aerographic Film 
wratten 89B 
Aerochrome IR Film 
Orange filter 
ing because Fig. 3 - Multispectral photos of the same area in four film/filter combinations 
assified by 
tor of high

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