Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

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The results are presented in Figures 5, 6 and 7. 
The following boundaries, as determined by Rowe, were consistently 
recognized and delineated on almost all the images used: 
- the tree line (southern boundary of Forest Section B.5) which separates 
the predominantly forested sections to the south from virtually tree 
less muskeg to the north. All delineations were nearly coincident 
including the one on the NOAA-2 image. A consistent discrepancy with 
the Rowe boundary (Wightman, 1973) suggests the further investigation 
of this area for a possible southwards revision of the line (see A, 
Fig. 5, 6 and 7). 
- Section L.8, topographically a plateau with gentle slopes which has 
extensively been cleared for cultivation and whose forest cover has 
been further reduced by fires. It is likely for these reasons that it 
is distinguished from the surrounding forested Sections (see Fig. 5 
and 6). This Section was obscured by cloud on the NOAA-2 image. 
- Section L.2 includes predominantly deciduous forest, but most of 
the area is dominated by settlements and agricultural land clearings. 
This cultural influence contrasts with the predominantly deciduous- 
coniferous forests of the surrounding Sections. 
- Section L.12, an area of low relief with scattered red and white 
pine ( Pinus resinosa Ait. and Pinus strobus L. respectively) and 
extensive swamps of black spruce ( Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) 
and larch (Larix tccricina (Du Roi) K. Koch) has been greatly 
influenced by recent logging and fires, particularly in the east 
toward the adjoining Forest Section L.ll, which has irregular 
terrain with great numbers of rock-rimmed lakes of various sizes. 
This boundary was, however, not recognizable on the NOAA-2 imagery 
{see Fig. 5 and 6). 
- a consistent lobe-shaped delineation southwestwards from the 
Manitoba boundary into Section B.22a remains unexplained but 
suggests the need for further investigation since it was recog 
nized on all the mosaics {see B, Fig. 5 and 6), but not on the 
NOAA-2 image. 
The following additional boundaries as determined by Rowe were 
consistently recognized only on the colour composites: 
- Section B.4, the "claybelt" which is predominantly characterized 
by "seemingly endless stretches of stands of black spruce" inter 
spersed on the lowland flats by sphagnum bogs. B.4 would likely 
be separated from B.5 to the north by the "tree line", a simple 
forest/non-forest separation decision. Sections B.7 and B.8 to

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