Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

A 2 Lower terrace plain 
Appearance: Band 5 salt and pepper texture due to small cultivated fields. 
Band 6 same as band 5. 
Mappability: moderate to good. Some difficulty at the border with unit A . 
Better in band 5 than in band 6 . 
A Lower mudflow plain (areas with heavier soils than those in unit A ) 
Appearance: Band 5 same as unit A^, but darker grey tones. 
Band 6 same as band 5. 
Mappability: Band 5 moderate. Band 6 good. Some difficulties at the border with 
unit A. _. 
A ^ Higher terrace plain 
Appearance: Band 5 moderate grey tone with some salt and pepper texture. 
Band 6 similar to band 5. 
Mappability: moderate to good. Slightly better in band 5 than in band 6 . 
A 15 Higher mudflow plain (areas with heavier soil than those in unit A 
Appearance: Bands 5 and 6 . Dark patches inside unit A 
Mappability: Band 5 moderate. Band 6 good. 
Of other landtypes, the areas covered by heavy soils (miocene clays) are extreme 
ly well presented on bands 6 and 7. One of the reasons for this could be the fact 
that grapes and olives are grown in these areas, so that at the time of imagery 
(9th March) a very thin plant coverage was present in contrast with the adjacent 
areas. Hilly and mountainous areas are well-distinguished from the rest but it is 
difficult to differentiate them according to rock types (e.g. granite-quartzite- 
limestone). Mappability was generally better in band 6 than in band 5 . Differen 
tiation of colluvial valleys inside the units is feasible due to the darker grey tones. 
The mappability of areas covered by coarse (sandy) materials is generally good in 
band 5 and moderate in bands 6 and 7. The differentiation of lower class units is 
The above results indicate that a colour composite picture should include at least 
band 5 and one of the bands 6 or 7. The following interpretation maps at scales 
1:1, 000, 000 and 1 : 250, 000 were traced on colour composites of bands 4, 5, 
and 6 , which were completed to simulate a false colour image. Thus band 4 has 
a blue influence on the picture, band 5 green, and band 6 red.

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