Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

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species, crown counts and stratified crown counts will be discussed. Data will 
be presented which were partly collected and analysed by NOPSUVAN and SARDAR 
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for their M. Sc. theses at ITC. 
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In Surinam a tract of undisturbed rain forest was selected for experimental 
aerial photography. The tract covers an area of about 1200 hectares and is 
situated on the left bank of the Coppename river at approximately 4°45' N. lat.. 
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Climatically it belongs to the tropical lowland rain forest, type Af - Am of 
Koppen, which is characterised by a rather constant temperature of 26-27° C. 
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and an annual rainfall of about 2300 mm. . The terrain is gently undulating. 
Differences in elevation amount to 20 metres at most. The highest point is about 
30 metres above sea level. 
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The soils are sandy loams and clays derived by lateritic weathering processes 
from granites. Creek valleys consist of colluvial material bearing the marshy 
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creek forest, a hygrophytic type of the rain forest which is periodically flooded. 
The creek forest is generally two-storied and 15 to 30 metres high. Palms are 
occassionally abundant and a profusion of lianos may occur. Few commercially 
important species are found in the creek forest. On the well-drained soils 
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between the creek valleys the mesophytic tropical rain forest, the dry-land 
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forest, occurs. It is three to four-storied and may contain more than a hundred 
species of which 10 to 2 0 per cent may have some commercial value. The highest 
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story has a rather open canopy of 35 to 45 metres with emergents of about 50 
The Forestry Department of ITC concentrated its investigation on the dry-land 
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In October 1970 test runs in a scale of approximately 1 : 5000 were made with 
four filmtypes. Simultaneous exposures were obtained in panchromatic B&W 
(Aviphot), Infrared B&W (Kodak), colour (Agfa), and infrared colour (Ektachrome) 
with a synchronised mount of four 70 mm Hasselblad cameras of 15 cm focal 
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length. In March 1973 the test area was covered with panchromatic B&W (Kodak).. 
The photography was carried out with a Wild Rc8 camera with a 30 cm. lens. 
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The scale was again approximately 1 : 5000.

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