Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Vol. 1)

Le pouvoir réfléchissant de l'eau mesure en 
laboratoire est toujours fonction de sa turbidite. Cette 
turbidite est due aux particlules solides en suspension dans 
l'eau et pour un type donne^ de solide il y a une bonne 
correlation entre sa concentration et la turbidite. Mal 
heureusement cette correlation varie pour different^ matériaux, 
puand less particules en suspension sont de la matière végétale 
comme on en trouve dans un lac eutrophie, on peut detecter des 
changements de pouvoir réfléchissant a distance. Deux experi 
ences sur des lacs indiquent qu / il y a une bonne correlation 
entre la luminosité^ d'images ERTS et 1' eutrophication du lac. 
Lake eutrophication, or a lake's state of enrichment, 
is rapidly becoming a very important aspect relating to the 
control and use of lakes and watersheds. Agencies responsible 
for managing the quality of fresh water lakes are becoming more 
and more interested in lake eutrophication and practical methods 
for establishing eutrophic classification of lakes. While many 
methods of such classification have been tried or proposed, no 
one method as yet has been universally agreed upon. Field 
methods such as in-situ sampling over an extended period of time 
are presently used by some agencies. But with such methods the 
number of lakes which can be sampled, analyzed, and evaluated 
in a years time is rather small unless a gigantic field effort 
is put forth of a size beyond normal operational limits of that 
agency. What is needed is a system which will provide a quick 
yet accurate indication of the eutrophic level of lakes over a 
large geographical region, and at the same time require a minimum 
of field samples. 
The authors feel that they are developing just such 
a system based on the correlation between water reflectance 
values obtained from Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) 
imagery and the water quality parameter of turbidity caused by 
living organic matter. Just a few judiciously chosen water 
samples are required simultaneous with the ERTS overpass in order 
to "calibrate” that satellite image for this task. The ERTS 
imagery then if properly analyzed can be used to classify many 
of the lakes in the frame as to algae-caused turbidity which is 
associated with the state of eutrophication.

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