If other effects such as skylight reflection,
atmospheric scatter, and lake bottom effects remain constant,
then it is indeed possible to ascertain the turbidity of
water on aerial photos and ERTS images. This can be done
with a few simultaneously taken water samples and correct
analysis of the imagery. When the turbidity is caused by
algal material which is more concentrated in enriched lakes,
then it is possible to correlate the image brightness to the
enriched or eutrophic condition of the lake. This technique
has proven successful on both a series of tannin lakes near
Ely, Minnesota and a series of non-tannin lakes near Madison,
Wisconsin. From the Madison area study and studies on Lake
Superior (Figure 5 and also Figure 2) it is clear that the
brightness of a lake on one ERTS image cannot be compared to
the brightness of an ERTS image taken on a different day.
Various atmospheric conditions cause different correlation
curves and the position of this correlation curve must be
established for each image.
In all of the lakes tested the Secchi disc readings
were all less than the depth to bottom so the bottom was not
showing on such images. There are lakes where the bottom will
show through and effect the brightness of the lake on the
image. A system is being developed to handle such situations.
Also lakes where larger weed mats are present must be investi
When a system is finalized which will handle all of
these types of lakes it appears that aerial photos and ERTS
imagery will indeed be a useful tool for lake eutrophication
The authors gratefully acknowledge the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration for their support under
Grant No. NGL 50-002-127; Dr. James L.. Clapp and his staff at
the University of Wisconsin for their administrative support,
and the U.S. Forest Service Personnel at Ely, Minnesota, for
their help in sample gathering and analysis.