Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Vol. 1)

The following conditions are necessary for this purpose: 
- An up-to-date knowledge of the parameters and possibilities of 
all component elements starting with the sensors up to the data processing 
and products finishing. Since all these components have a dynamic behaviour 
it is necessary to maintain a careful documentation and updating of the files, 
technical literature and computer software. This implies the knowledge of 
the possibility of their availability including delivery terms, costs as 
well as risk factors; 
- The knowledge of the real needs of the existing and potential 
users as well as the ways and possibilities of implementation of different 
systems and remote sensing processes according to the characteristics of 
these users needs concerning the data providing: /a/ "on line” or ’’near the 
line" data, "off-line" data and "Data Bank"; /b/ unprocessed data, preprocessed 
data, processed data. 
- At the same time the evolution of these needs must be known, 
under short or long terms; 
- The knowledge of the possibilities to achieve a maximum efficiency 
for different users and the knowledge of the capabilities of these users 
to perform the specific determinations according to demands of the remote 
sensing processes. The development research involves also the implementation 
of different remote sensing processes by their users. 
The proposed problem is: to achieve a remote sensing system which 
must be suitable in optimal conditons to the proposed aim under circumstances 
of having different series of previous data and records (our country has 
also many good photocoverages), knowing other different space records (per 
formed or performable) and having the processing facilities. 
Just from the beginning we can remark that the optimization process 
is not a general one, but it is specific for our case. In the following 
we refer to deltaic areas. The optimization process regards both the whole 
process and each of its components as sensors, captors, platforms, process 
ings, etc. 
The technical optimization of the system has the meaning of a 
productive orientation; thus, the users demands are compared with the equip 
ment and interpretation methods their capabilities considered at the same 
time with the operational limits of the system/e.g. the possibility of 
incomplete chains of determinations. 
On the other hand, the economical optimization regards the choice 
of technically performable variants which are suitable to the well-known 
aims: to achieve a maximum economic efficiency with a given outlay (maximum 
principle) or to achieve a certain purpose with minimum outlay (minimum 

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