Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

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regarding the basic recordings - determinations. It is natural the "com 
pression" preoccupation and that of fitting-homogenization of this enormous 
data flow. Hence it is necessary to know, rule over the performances, work 
ing conditions of the data products, as object of the fitting-homogenization. 
The photointerpretation process-system should be seen, designed and approached 
on the basis of a model with all the chain loops and subansambles ruled over 
and verified-tested. 
The problem of association, homogenization of data should be 
simultaneously studied from a quantitative point of view and a qualitative 
one, from a geometrical point of view and a spectroradiometrical one. 
/1/ Colvocores - 
ses P.A. 
/2/ Doyle J.F. 
/3/ Schoonmaker 
W.J. 1974: 
/4/ Kratky V. 
/5/ Anuta E C P. 
/6/ Mikhail M.E. 
/7/ Kriegler J.F. 
et al. 1969: 
Cartographic applications of ERTS imagery, Earth 
resources rechnology satellite-1, Symposium proceedings, 
NASA X-650-73-10, January 1973, pp. 88-94. 
Interpretation of spatial relationships. International 
workshop on Earth Resources Survey Systems, NASA, 
Washington, 1972, pp. 343-355. 
Geometric evaluation of MSS images from ERTS-1. 
Proceedings of the American Society of Photogrammetry 
40th annual meeting, March 1974. 
Cartographic accuracy of ERTS images. Proceedings of 
the American Society of Photogrammetry, 39th annual 
meeting, March, 1973, pp. 592-607. 
Geometric correction of ERTS-1 digital multispectral 
scanner data, LARS Purdue University, LARS information 
note 042473, 35 p. 
Geometric aspects in digital analysis of multispectral 
scanner (MSS) data, LARS Purdue University, LARS 
information note 042473, 35 p. 
Preprocessing transformations and their effects on multi' 
spectral recognition. Proceedings of the Sixth Inter 
national Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment.

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