Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

An essential element of an environmental protection strategy of a particular Coops 
activity is the systematic verification of the anticipated effectiveness of vine: 
controls and of predicted ecosystem impacts. In order to make this possible 
it is necessary to gather, process and coordinate pertinent environmental data 
and information so as to establish the cause and effect relationships of envi- photc 
ronmental processes. light 
For an effective environmental protection program it is necessary to SLAR 
obtain data in order to: data 
1. Establish environmental baselines, or at least reference levels, uses 
against which to judge the extent and severity of impact on the make 
ecosystems. of su 
2. Compare observed impacts with those anticipated in order to 
improve existing forecasting and impact assessment methods. which 
be ne 
3. Ascertain if the controls stipulated in plans, specifications and c 
and agreements are in place and if a proponent is carrying out senso 
directives. scann 
oil t 
4. Assess the effectiveness of regulatory measures and of controls ultra 
to protect the environment and assist in the development of be pr 
new ones. 
While all four elements are required for an effective surveillance program, elements 
(3) and (4) address primarily the environmental protection function. 
Experience has shown that remote sensing has very good capabilities for satel 
identifying the broad degradation of the environment which may result from large every 
projects. In such projects the damage may result from a large diversity of causes used 
and may extend over large areas. The environment frequently acts as an integrating such 
mechanism which makes surveillance on a lumped parameter approach necessary. It trave 
has been found that by the use of remote sensing it is possible to gather and record less 
the large quantities of diverse environmental information which is involved. Remote cover 
sensing has also been used to offer a more rapid, sufficiently accurate and fre- the e 
quently less expensive means of delineating the environmental levels and changes. Canad 
Furthermore, remotely sensed data are compatible with that obtained by the field minim 
methods of observation, immersion sensing and sample analysis. The field methods is de 
have been the basic means of carrying out surveillance for environmental protection 
purposes of biological, chemical, physical and engineering factors. In support of 
remote sensing these methods provide also ground truth, calibration and quality that 
control. that i 
An operational remote sensing program which is to be used as an aid to mail i 
environmental protection is being developed and implemented by Environment Canada. 
Under the terms of their mandate, CCRS is assisting in the developing of the 
program by providing technical expertise in data gathering procedures, in the two c< 
analysis and interpretation of the data, and in staff training. Generally, the colour 
program is set within the framework of the ecological impact control programs The s< 
which come under the mandate and responsibility of the Environmental Protection and 7 
Service. While policy matters and the development of the national program are compai 
primarily a headquarters responsibility, the operational aspects depend largely addit: 
upon the regional and project needs.

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