ces.The interpretation of accelerated erosion is made in view of the prepara
tion of erosion maps which can he used for land classification and for
conservation planning.
In order to extract the most information from the aerial photographs
for a soil survey,many interpretation-elements are used (Buringh i 960 ,Vink
1968 ).For the study of soil erosion largely the same photo-interpretation
elements are used.This is logical Because of the strong relationship Between
the pedogenetic factors and the factors determining soil erosion(Bergsma
For the interpretation of soil erosion features the major interpreta
tion elements and their aspects are:,
-conservation measures
Soil and suBstratum are interpreted as for soil survey.
The presence of soil erosion features is mostly s
indicate conditions of erosion hazard,and therefore guide the interpreter
to the places in the landscape where he may expect erosion to occur.
The greytone of the Bare land surface and low vegetation may of course
show variations related to the colour and structure of the land surface and
plant cover.Moisture content,sun position,photographic procedures also may
cause greytone differences.Only some of all these differences serve the API
of soil erosion features.(see also Goosen 1967).As greytone is a major
API—element for soil erosion features,some general examples are given Below.
X ) ABBreviation "aerial photo-interpretation" used throughout this text.In
a similar way AP stands for "aerial photograph".
Greytones and surface erosion (figure 1 ).
Case A :Cross section A represents a common case of greytone pattern
which is related to surface erosion.A light greytone is caused By erosion
1970 ).
-greytone(of Bare surface
or low vegetation)
-texture(occurrence of greytone components
of small size,usually less than 1 mm )
—pattern(occurrence of the larger greytone
-density of cover
-interruption of slope
-colluvial terraces
-land use and
natural vegetation
of greytone and microrelief.In most cases the other