Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

Below the shoulder of -the hill the slope "becomes straight. The soil profile 
has a thin cover of sandy material which is "being transported downwards. This 
texture of the topsoil is locally Sandy Loam when deep, otherwise Loam to Clay 
loam,under the influence of the mixing with underlying material "by ploughing. 
The ploughfurrows have "been eroded less deeply than on the shoulder, small 
obstructions cause some deposition in the furrows. They start to have a narrow 
flat "bottom of some cm width. 
The straight slope can "be considered a transport slope ( Carson et al.1972) 
A brownish cover of Sandy Loam moves relatively fast over the subsoil of red 
Clay loam. 
In the lower slope the inclination decreases again. Deposition in the 
ploughfurrows is dominant in a zonecf 5-15 meter, depending on the concavity 
of the short footslope. Coarse material of sand and gravel has accumulated 
here. The texture is Loamy sand or Sandy loam, locally slightly gravelly. Finer 
material is carried by the runoff into the drainageway, and is deposited down 
streams in the valleybottoms. 
On the steeper parts of the slope there are a few gullies which 
occur only along the field boundaries which follow the slope. As it is the 
custom of the farmers to plough the field up to six times a year, to keep the 
soil open and destroy the weeds, small incisions which develop in the plough 
rills are obliterated regularly, before they can develop into a real gully. 
Ploughing does not take place however in the narrow zone between two 
fields. Here gullies may develop. When the tillage is done obliquely to the slope, 
the field boundary collects the water from the ploughfurrows. Often 
shallow to deep gullies are found at the field boundaries. Sometimes these 
gullies at the field boundaries develop branches along parcel boundaries. 
In the drainageway the runoff along the fo'ot of the slope is locally 
undercutting the slope colluvium. Tillage is done across the drainageway up 
the other slope. In this way some of the gravel and coarse sand from the 
footslope colluvium is distributed over the landsurface. 
The field description largely explains the greytones which are observed 
on the AP. The coarser colluvium has a light greytone. The exposed red clay 
subsoil has a very dark greytone. The pattern of the dark greytone on the 
slope does not exactly follow the contour but is slightly inclined. 
Types of rainwater erosion features(Fairbridge 1968 ,Richter 1 965 ,Comm.1 966 ) 
The rainwater erosion features of the soil erosion toposequence on the 
Coto Alto are presented in figure 3.There is some more detail than the usual 
distinction between sheet-,rill- and gully erosion.Rills which develop into 
linear erosion and rills which develop laterally but do not incise very much 
(braids) are distinguished (Young 1972, Carson § Kirkby 1972). In the first 
case soil conservation usually has to pay special attention to the preven 
tion of the concentration of the runoff. 
Brief general description of the rainwater erosion features 
Rainsplash .lt is dominant in case of low runoff and nearly level land.Soil

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