tion plot
m. Also
shows that
r pair of
hetic data
3ng set
.nder the
this stage that the results were sufficiently promising to generate
the map. The classified data was passed to the Electron Beam Recor
der (EBB) to produce an image (Plate I), and this was then enlarged
to a more usable size for the field program.
Field checking was carried out in mid-August, 197^, using
spectral intensity >
Figure 3. Class separability plot showing: 1) Clear water; 2) Marine
silts; 3) Silty water; 4) Bedrock; 5) Till; 6) Gravel.
all-terrain vehicles supported by helicopter. The work consisted
of checking the accuracy of the unit boundaries and the identificat
ion of materials on the ERTS map, supported by high altitude air
photographs and a topographic map to maintain ground control.
A map of the Arrowsmith River area was compiled showing
heck on the actual disposition of surface materials, subdivided into ^eget
ras noted, ated and non -vegetated areas, and the relative concentrations of
felt at