Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

Moore, W.C. 
Murtha, P.A. 
Murtha, P.A. 
Murtha, P.A. 
Murtha, P.A. 
Murtha, P.A. 
Murtha, P.A. 
Pedgley, D.E 
Rohde, W.G., 
Rohde, W.G., 
Talerico, R. 
- 436 - 
Tornado damage to forests: Sudbury, Ontario. The Canad. Sur 
veyor 28(2): 126-127. 
A guide to airphoto interpretation of forest damage in Canada. 
Can. Forest Serv., Publ. No. 1292. Ottawa 62p. 
Photo interpretation of tree mortality along side the Interna 
tional Boundary; Waterton Lakes National Park. Nat. Park Forest 
Survey Repr. No. 5. Forest Management Inst. Ottawa, 5p. 
SO 2 damage delineation on high altitude photographs. Proc. 1st 
Can. Symp. Remote Sensings Vol. 1 p.71-82. 
Uses and application of infrared photography. p76-77. In Proc. 
24th Ann. West. Forest Insect Work Conf. Tucson, Arizona, 107pp. 
Spruce-budworm damage in Fundy National Park, New Brunswick 
Nat. Park Forest Survey Repr. No. 6 Forest Management Institute, 
Ottawa, 12p. 
ERTS records SO^ fume damage to forests, Wawa, Ontario. Forest 
Chron. 49(6): 251-252. 
ERTS surveys a 500 Km^ locust breeding site in Saudi Arabia. 
Proc. 3rd ERTS Symp. NASA Washington. In Press . 
and C.E. Olson Jr. 
Multispected sensing of forest tree species. Photogram. Eng. 
38(12): 1209-1215. 
and H.J. Moore 
Evaluation of gypsy moth ( Povthetv'ia dispav) damage with remote 
sensing techniques. 4th Biennial Workshop Color Air Photogr. 
Plant Sci. and Related Fields. Univ. of Maine and Amer. Soc. 
Photogr.; Orono, Maine p. 207-225. 
and T.A. Skratt 
Gypsy moth defoliation: can we segregate damage levels from 
aerial photographs? Proc. 4th Biennial. Workshop Color Air 
Photogr. Plant Sci. and Related Fields Univ. of Maine and Amer. 
Soc. Photogr.; Orono, Maine, p.233-242.

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