Full text: Proceedings of Symposium on Remote Sensing and Photo Interpretation (Volume 1)

Fox, L. 
Murtha, P 
Rhode, W, 
Remote sensing of Fomes annosus in pine plantations and of pine 
canopies in general. In: Proc. of the fourth biennal workshop 
on aerial color photography in the plant sciences. Univ. of 
Maine, Orono, Maine, pp. 77-93. 
,H. and L, Sayn - Wittgenstein 
An evaluation of the relascope. Canadian Department of 
Forestry, Ottawa, Tech. Note No. 77. 30 pp. 
A guide to air photo interpretation of forest damage in Canada. 
Canadian Forestry Service, Ottawa, publication No. 1292. 
63 pp. 
i, and H,J, Moore 
Evaluation of gypsy moth (Porthetria dispar) damage with 
remote sensing techniques. In: Proc. of the fourth biennal 
workshop on aerial color photography in the plant sciences. 
Univ. of Maine, Orono, Maine, pp. 207-225.

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